Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Life of Martin Luther Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Life of Martin Luther - Research Paper Example Luther was convened as a revolutionary defender of the truth, and religious freedoms of Christians but some people viewed him as a religious rebellion leader. However, most of the contemporary Christians consent that martin influenced and shaped the protestant Christianity more than any leaders. Luther saw the necessity of reforming the church because he wanted to abolish the traditions, papacy laws and restore churches of Christ from perishing. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the life of Martin Luther, his accomplishments and the goals for reforming the church. Although Martin saw a need for protestant reform because of the schism within western Christianity, he wanted to abolish the traditions, papacy laws, promote unity and restore churches of Christ from perishing. ... enrolled in Erfurt university, which was one of the most significant universities in German and it was full of conflicts among the Renaissance humanists and the scholastics people, who practiced theology and philosophy. Luther joined in the faculty of philosophy where he embarked on both theology and law studies; therefore, this was the period when Luther read widely and graduated with a master degree. During the year 1505, the promising law career seemed certain and Luther rejected the world; thus he decided to become a preacher. Additionally, despite the disappointment from the parents for not being a lawyer, Luther experienced a conversation of having been struck by a bolt of lightning. Martin began to study law in order to fulfill the dreams of his father that his son will one day became lawyer. However, Martin had a terrible thunderstorm that narrowly struck him to death; thus he eventually cried to God and promised to live as preacher3. Although this opinion did not please his parents, Martin decided to change the course of his future despite the strong disappointments from his parents. Luther started learning theology and one time when he was sitting in his room, he started reading the bible randomly. Luther became to a passage in the manuscript of Roman 1: 17, which was from Saint Paul revealing that the justice from God can be revealed to those who only has faith because it is through faith that the just shall live forever4. Events That Took Place Prior To Martin’s Conversion Prior to Martin’s conversion, the events that drastically altered the course of Luther’s life took place near Stotterheim. The law student was altered into a humble preacher seeking for the grace of God. The awful thunderstorm struck Luther when he was on his way back to Erfurt
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Problems caused by viruses
Problems caused by viruses Introduction I will discuss about different types of viruses and what threats they hold towards the computer and what kind of damage they can do. A virus is a small program written to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission of the user. I will talk about:- What a virus does How it can affect your computer A Bit of History About Virus Different types of viruses How does it cause problems when your using the internet and Conclusions Threats of Viruses A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the target computer. A user can send viruses over the Internet or it can be carried on things like CD, DVD or USB drive. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. It can damage your network area and without the proper antivirus software, your computer is most likely to be affected by a virus, especially if you are going to use the internet. A virus must meet two criteria: The virus has to be executed by itself. In order to be executed by itself, it has to have its own coding on when to be executed. The virus has to replicate itself. It has to copy itself from the original, so it can create a problem for the user. Viruses can infect desktop computers and network servers alike. History of Virus In the early 1980s, experiments were carried out on computer security and 1983 saw the emergence of the first virus. Fred Cohen, at that time a student at the University of Southern California, had the idea of introducing self-reproducing software, which could spread by infiltrating existing programmes, thus attacking the security of multi-user computing systems. Len Adleman, Cohens thesis adviser suggested that this was similar to a biological virus, which uses the resources of the cell it attacks to reproduce itself. The term computer virus was born. 6 Types of Viruses File Infector Viruses A virus that affects program files. This virus can damage the programs that you either use or do not use basically it damages executable files such as .exe and .com files. Boot Sector Viruses A virus that affects the system area of the disk such as floppy disk or CD. Boot sector viruses attach themselves to the program of that specific disk and activate when the user attempts to start up their PC from the infected disk. Master Boot Record Viruses A virus that affects the boot sectors. It saves a legitimate copy of the master boot record in a different location without you knowing that it has done it without your permission. Multipartite Viruses A virus that affects both programs and boot sectors. Basically for this virus if one is not clean, then the one that is clean will be infected. For example if the boot sector is clean, but the files are not, then the boot sector will be infected. Macro Viruses A virus that affects data files. This virus is the most common virus than any other viruses above because this virus can damage Microsoft programs such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and etc. Virus Hoax A virus that are sent by emails. This virus can damage and delete everything on your hard drive if an email thats got a virus is either on your inbox or if you have open that email. Conclusions Virus Hoax is one of the viruses that can cause problems when you are using the internet because the email that is affected by a virus can damage and delete important files from your computer. A lot of people are getting these virus hoax chain letters, which can spread like fire depending on how many people you are sending it to. When people get these chain letters, they dont check who they got it from and open it up straight away and forward the message to other people, so they computer can get infected by the virus, so it is very important to 1st find out who sent u the email and 2nd if you receive an email titled which some will have email virus hoax on it then do not open it!. Another way of having a virus on your computer is if a hacker installs a virus onto your computer. This can happen if there is no anti-virus software or firewall and if there is no program to protect your computer, then the hacker has an easy access to your computer which he can do any kind of damage to your computer. Once the hacker gets into your computer, the hacker can do anything to your computer, it can even mess your computer up by installing a virus of any kind. So in order to prevent that from happening your will need either an anti-virus or a firewall onto your computer.(See Details Below) How do you get rid and prevent your computer from having a virus? To prevent from having any types of viruses, you will need to have anti-virus software. It is software that will track down and get rid of any viruses that are on your computer and also prevents any viruses from getting into your computer. It can also protect your computer from any other threats as well such as Trojans and hacking. Another way your can prevent having troubles while your using the internet is to have a firewall. Firewall is a necessary program to keep intruders away while you are connected to the internet such as hackers. Hackers can hack into your computer and create a massacre for example create a program to spy on you and take some important information such as credit card number when you do online shopping or install a virus without you knowing anything about it. So it is recommended that if you do not have an anti-virus program, then have firewall on or install firewall to prevent hackers to hack into your computer while you are on internet. Reference: http://service1.symantec.com/support/nav.nsf/docid/1999041209131106 http://www.windowsmaven.com/ http://www.internet-story.com/dangers.htm
Friday, October 25, 2019
Direct Mail Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Direct Mail "Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it." Stephen Leacock Philosopher extraordinaire "Really good direct mail works like picking your prospect up by the ankles and shaking him until all the money falls out of his pockets." Matthew Samp Direct Mail Copy & Graphic Design As consumers, we are often bombarded by different types of advertisements each day. Whether it’s by television, newspaper, or billboards, advertising has reached us one way or another. Yet, a majority of the ads that we encounter are often meaningless and uninteresting mainly because of the fact that these ads are meant to reach a certain target audience. This perception seems to change, however, when we look inside our mailboxes, pick-up our telephone, and even check our e-mail. We often ponder how marketers know that we have a pet snake, own a certain kind of computer, or even wear 70’s clothing. That is because every time we purchase products such as: electronics, computer software, and other products, direct-mail advertising is in the air. Every time we send those warranties and registration forms back to the manufacturer; as consumers we are often unaware that we are sending information about ourselves that will be used as; statistical, personal, and informative data for future marketing purposes. Thus, marketers and advertisers know what kinds of products to target us with. Although direct-mail, or as we call it â€Å"junk-mail†, somehow finds its way to our homes and businesses, it can be considered as a convenient way for us to shop without having to leave the house, since as consumers, we are often pressed for time. In order to understand direct-mail advertising, we will be discussing this unique medium in a broad spectrum of subjects and then give an example of a company that successfully used direct mail advertising. Among the subjects we will be discussing are: what direct-mail advertising is, the historical development of the medium, different methods and types of mail, the future of direct-mail advertising, and the internet’s use of the medium for visual communication. Direct Mail Direct-mail advertising is a form of medium used by direct marketers; it is the most personal and selective of all media. Th... ...etting e-mails from the companies that we visit or interested in. As a matter of fact, some of the largest commercial sites on the World Wide Web have agreed to feed information about their customer ¹s reading, shopping and entertainment habits into a new and improved database system that is now tracking the moves of more than 30 million Internet users, recording where they go, and what they read, often without the user ¹s knowledge. This agreement by participating Web sites is primarily used for direct-advertising, it promises to deliver precise, direct, and personalized ads, specifically for that target user. Eventhough this is said to be an invasion of privacy, many of the powerful commercial sites are using, selling, and distributing these consumer behaviors and informations to numerous retailers, advertisers, and marketers for direct-advertising use. Many advertising and marketing experts believe that direct-mail online is only in it ¹s early developmental stages. As an evolving mass medium, online direct-mail advertising is wh ere radio was in 1920, where television was in 1950, and where cable was during 1970. All of these, you may have observed, are now universal.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethics Munson’s 5 Ethical Theories Essay
Ethics is a branch if philosophy that deal with ideas about what is morally good and bad. Ethics act as tools, giving us guidance when we need to make important decisions in personal and professional situations. There are biblical inferences that can relate to most if not all situations that we come across in our daily lives. God will not put us in any situations that we cannot be triumphant in. If the Bible is an absolute in all of these theories, so is Jesus Christ. The first ethical theory is Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the ethical theory that describes how the moral value or worth of an action is determined by how much benefit is gained from that action. It is measured by not only the amount of benefit gained but also the amount of people with benefits in the process. This theory hopes to provide guidance when choosing a course of action. Utilitarianism is divided into two groups based off of how they apply the theory. A Rule Utilitarian believes that the action is right if it results in happiness of great benefit (Munson, 2009). For example, the commandment, â€Å"thou shall not kill†is very straight forward and doesn’t leave room for interpretation. Someone who follows Rule Utilitarianism would strictly follow this rule by never committing murder or killing any living creature. An Act Utilitarian would decipher the commandment according to its greatest benefit. Act utilitarianism is the belief that an action is right if it is better than all of the other options as long as it yields the best results. In other words, there may be situations in which breaking the rules may be the best option. Breaking the commandment, â€Å" thou shall not kill†may seem wrong when looking at it from the surface, but if it is done to save the life’s of others it may yield the best result. The absolute that applies to Utilitarianism is the Bible. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, â€Å"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart; not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.†This theory is about the best benefit and focuses on the amount of benefit as well as the amount of people it benefits. In order to achieve this, the reason for giving cannot be selfishly or self- motivated. Immanuel Kant’s deontological theory is the complet ely opposite of Utilitarianism. Kantian Ethics believes that right and wrong are not depended on their consequences but on whether the duty or task at hand is fulfilled. Kant theory is also reliant on the view that humans, unlike any other creature, have the capacity to rationalize. He believes that a person’s feelings and inclinations should not play any part in motivating a chosen action. This theory does not work well in the field of healthcare. Feelings and inclinations are a necessity when working with human beings. Healthcare workers are not reading step by step instructions as if they are putting a car together, but instead are caring for a patient whose case is different and patient specific. Patients cannot be treated like a checklist. Although this theory eliminated any of the categories under the Bible: commandments, guidelines, inferences, and convictions; completion is a big topic in the Bible. God completed the creation of the world in six days, and rested on the seventh. Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day. In John 17:4, Jesus said to them, â€Å"My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.†W.D. Ross believed that there was not one rule or principle that one must abide by. Instead he believed that we can progress through moral duties. Ross proposed that we have self-evident prima facie moral duties and that there are some things have intrinsic value (Ross, 2002). He believed we have the duty of fidelity or the duty to keep our promises, the duty of reparation or the duty to pay for harm done to others, the duty of gratitude or the duty to return favors, the duty of beneficence or the duty to maximize the good, and the duty of non-injury or the duty to refuse harm to others (Ross, 2002). For example, it is generally wrong to kill a person because it causes pain and is one of the 10 commandments. In order for it not to be wrong to kill, a person must have an overriding reason to do it such as saving the lives of others. Ross’s belief in overriding reason is very similar to that Act Utilitarianism. The Bible is an absolute in this theory as well. Ross puts emphasis on the duties we must uphold. The Bible lays out many duties given to Christians. One of the most popular lists is the Ten Commandments. Virtue Ethics is the approach that deemphasizes rules and duty, focusing on a person’s character (Munson, 2009). Character is an impor tant focus when choosing employees in the Healthcare field. I have worked in many healthcare areas and have worked with many people who truly were not in the field for the right reasons. Passion is a necessity when working with human beings. There are many workers who lack this characteristic and are simply in the field for monetary benefit. Although it may be impossible to completely rid the healthcare field of â€Å"bad seeds,†providing an overflow of kindhearted, loving employees would definitely help. The Bible is an absolute in this ethical approach. Matthew 12:35 says, â€Å"The good person out of his good treasure bring forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil.†As a Christian we must make sure we are living our lives in God’s image. We are walking billboards for Christ and need to make sure that we act accordingly. As a Christian, this walk will definitely be hard and there will be many temptations along the way but our character will help us to choose the right path. Care Ethics argues that some duties cannot be justified by theories of right, justice, and utility (Velasquez, 2002). Care ethics believe that the most important factor is the concrete relationship with a person or persons (Velasquez, 2002). This theory is very evident in the healthcare fiel d and I find this theory most appealing. I have worked in the healthcare field for most of my career and realize that it is my duty to take care of and provide for each patient I serve. Through experience, I also realize that there are certain patients that I have been drawn to, and that I feel closer to. At my last job, I worked on the spinal cord injury unit. Most of my patients were fully depended on what I did for them. The interaction could be awkward as I was performing tasks such as showers, bowel programs, and diaper changes. I felt it my duty to make them feel comfortable and to let them know that I care. For a lot of my patients, I was the only family they had. No one ever came to visit them so our conversation was something to look forward to. As I worked with a patient every day, special bonds were formed. We celebrated any and all progress made. Whether it is something as small as moving a pinky for the first time or taking a first step after, everything should be celebrated. Both Jesus Christ and the Bible are absolutes in this theory. This job has also taught me to be more appreciative of the things I do have. It has taught me to stop complaining about little things. Most of my patients lived regular lives just as I do, and in an instance it was taken away from them. Most people unknowingly take things for granted such as being able to walk, talk, brush your teeth, and clothe yourself. Instead, we feel that the things are owed to us and that we are deserving of these things. The Bible and Jesus Christ are definitely absolutes in this theory. We as Christians yearn for a strong, deeper relationship with God and the best way to attain this is by studying the word of God daily. Proverbs 8:17 says, â€Å"I Love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.†References Holy Bible Kant, I. (1785) â€Å"First Section: Transition from the Common Rational Knowledge of Morals to the Philosophical.†Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. Munson, R. (2009). Intervention and Reflection: Basic issues of bioethics (9th ed.). Ross, W.D., (2002). The Right and the Good. Edited, with an Introduction, by Philip Stratton- Lake. New York: Oxford University Press: rpt. of original 1930 edition. Velasquez, M.G., (2002). Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Emily Dickinson’s Poem Review
I applaud Emily Dickinson’s choice of art over â€Å"real†life although I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive. While I cannot presume to know whether she had doubts about this herself or whether she had other problems that prevented her from living â€Å"real†life, I can clearly see that her life inside her mind was very rich. By choosing art, Emily Dickinson has left us with a wealth of succinct poems with very important themes. Particularly stunning is â€Å"Much Madness is Divinest Sense. †In that poem, she perfectly recaps the idea of majority rule.If one agrees with the majority, one is sane. If not, one is dangerous and wrong. This is such a short and simple poem that covers so many times in our lives and current events. There are so many examples of the majority doing the wrong thing, like slavery. Another important theme is contained in â€Å"If You Were Coming in the Fall. †This poem discusses the difficulty or utter tortu re of waiting for some uncertain future. One can wait much more easily if there is some kind of certainty or date at the end. â€Å"But now, all ignorant of the lengthOf time's uncertain wing, It goads me, like the goblin bee, That will not state its sting. â€Å" (Dickinson) The longer one waits, the more painful it becomes. It stings as Dickinson says. However, Dickinson says that waiting without that certainty is nothing but torture. This theme is universal. And yet, another important theme is contained in â€Å"Hope is the Thing with Feathers. †Dickinson gives herself and everyone else the claim that hope is always present in life. Hope is always with us; it â€Å"perches†in our souls.It never asks anything of the reader just remains in our hearts to keep us warm. â€Å"Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of me†(Dickinson). Again this is a very profound lesson contained in a brief poem. Who knows what the effect would have been if Dickinson had c hosen to have a husband and family or an active social life? The point is that the choice was hers, and she made it. Personally, I relish her choice as I think she gives us so many words to live by. For those who don’t like poetry all that much, she is simple and straightforward and yet, very profound.
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