Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Importance of Effective Communication in Health Care
MS is a sixty-seven old Honduran female who presented with signs and symptoms of cold and flu to the Brigham and Women Faulkner Hospital emergency room. She was alert and oriented times three, pleasant and cooperative. The patient had a past medical history of hypertension, and coronary artery disease and lymphedema. The history of present illness was a diagnosis of influenza virus A. The patient was transferred to the 6 South Unit, a medical-surgical floor, at 4:30 pm. Upon arrival to the unit, the staff involved in her initial assessment failed to request a professional medical interpreter in order to have an accurate and trustful communication with the patient. This miscommunication was a wrong assumption by assuming that the patient was bilingual and supposing that the patient somewhat understood English. McCaffrey et al. (2010) claim that effective communication can take place when the basic factors of communication are understood. The patient in this instant felt left behind since no one had asked her how she was feeling, or if she had any concerns or needs to be addressed. The patient’s room was in front of the nursing station, so she was able to observe the laughs and talking of the health-care personnel, and was questioning if the talking and laughter was about her. The following morning, during the handoff report, I heard that this patient was difficult. However, when I went to introduce myself to this patient, I found a lovely and cooperative lady whom I hadShow MoreRelated The importance of Effective Communication in Health-Care637 Words  | 3 PagesEffective communication continues to be paramount footing that brings out the naked image of the conveyed message when caring is delivered in the health care system. It is also considered the most efficient way to assure quality and safety patient care with optimistic health outcomes (LaValley, 2008). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Universal Human Rights Of The United Nations - 873 Words
The Universal Human Rights: From Paper to Reality According to the Office of High Commissioner of Human Rights of the United Nations, â€Å"human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible†(United Nations Human Rights). In other words, universal Human Rights are basic rights and â€Å"fundamental freedom,†which are widely acceptable, that every individual should have. The detailed list of human rights is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948. The list has a preamble and 30 articles, including several fundamental rights and freedom of human such as right to life, liberty, and security; right to be equal before law; right to marriage; right to education; right to nationality; and right to property. As stated on th e United Nations’ website, the concept of human rights was formally developed in 1946, right after the Word War II and the creation of the United Nations. From that time to December 10, 1948, the world leaders discussed and made a list of basic human rights which they believe should be guarantee for every individual everywhere. The first draft of the list of Human Rights, or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was conducted by leaders of countries thatShow MoreRelatedThe United Nations Universal Human Rights Essay1657 Words  | 7 PagesThe United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights stands as the current gold standard for every individual’s rights. 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Three human rightsRead MoreThe United Nations Universal Declaration Of Human Rights1805 Words  | 8 PagesIn accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) it is proclaimed by the General Assembly that â€Å"all human beings are born free and equal in dign ity and rights†(The United Nation [UN], 1948). But what are human rights? While they might be a substantially contemporary subject, the worlds first charter of human rights is now identified in 593 B.C when Cyrus the Great; freed the slaves, established racial equality and freedom to choose one’s own religion (Fleiner, 1999)Read MoreThe United Nations Universal Declaration Of Human Rights1854 Words  | 8 PagesThere are many arguments that there will soon be a Third World War. World Wars I and II have been instigated by nations wanting to rule parts of the world. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has caused many fights and controversy all around the world, possibly igniting World War III. 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Relate to the Saint Leo University Core Value of Community?997 Words  | 4 PagesThe principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights relates to the Saint Leo Universities core value of community in a lot of different ways. Part of Saint Leo’ mission statement is to create a student-centered environment in which love of learning is of prime importance. Members of the community are expected to examine and express their own values, listen respectfully to and respond to the opinions of others, serve the community in which they live, welcome others intoRead MoreWhat Are Human Rights? Essay1152 Words  | 5 PagesThe rights you have simply because you are human Every single human being on this planet has rights (What Are Human Rights, n.d). These rights are given to us through birth, and the day I was asked, what my human rights were, I found myself speechless. I did not know how to answer the question, which at the time sounded so easy. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Management And Cost Managerial Accounting - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Management And Cost Managerial Accounting. Answer: Introduction In the manufacturing business organizations, Cost Accounting plays an important part. Cost accounting refers to the process to record, classify, analyze, summarize, allocate and evaluate different kinds of alternative courses of actions in order to control the organizational costs. Cost control helps in the reduction of organizational costs that leads to higher profitability (Drury, 2013). Companies prefer to implement different types of costing system for their companies like Activity Based Costing (ABC), traditional costing system and others. In the recent years, the emergence of another major costing system can be absorbed; that is Time Driven Activity Based Costing, commonly known as TDABC. It can be seen that traditional costing approach is the most well-known costing approach among the companies. However, in the recent years, organizations are facing various step backs at the time of using traditional costing system. For this reason, Robert S. Kaplan and Steven R. Anderson deve loped TDABC in the year 2004 to overcome the difficulties of the use of traditional costing approach and ABC (Kaplan et al., 2014). The main aim of this report is to analyze and evaluate various aspects of TDABC and to show the suitability of the implementation of TDABC. As per the provided information, it is the responsibility of the management consultancy firm to show the client the right path regarding the implementation of TDABC. Various parts of this report show the description, features, comparison with ABC and traditional costing and suitability of TDABC in the client organization. Description of the Client The client of the consultancy firm is a spare part of cars manufacturing company and the name of the company is Super Technology Corp. The main operation of the company is to manufacture the spare automobile parts for different vehicles. At the same time, the aim of the company is to manufacture quality products. Quality products can be manufactured when there is less amount of variation in the production process. In the production operation of Super Technology Corp, the presence of variance can be seen in the whole process of manufacturing. Currently, the company is using traditional costing approach for their manufacturing process. Recently, the CEO of the company is considering the adoption and implementation of TDABC for their manufacturing process as the presence of these variances are putting negative effects on the final outputs of the companies. Time Driven Activity Based Costing (TDABC) Description The earlier discussion shows that the concept of TDABC has been developed to overcome the difficulties of ABC and traditional costing approach. Under the process of TDABC, the costs of resources are directly assigned with the cost objects with the help of two sets of estimates; they are: 1) the cost per time unit for the supply of the resources capacity to the cost activities, and 2) an estimation of the required time units in order to perform an activity. For the calculation of the cost activities under TDABC, there are six specific steps. Step 1 is the identification of the services or the activities. Step 2 is the estimation of the total costs of each resource group. Step 3 is the estimation of practical time capacity for each resource group. Step 4 is the calculation of unit cost of each resource group. Step 5 is the determination of estimated time for each activity. Step 6 is the multiplication of unit cost of each resource group by the estimated time for the activity (McLaughli n et al., 2014). Features In case of TDABC, it can be observed that this particular approach of costing has some specific features and they are discussed below: Under the process of TDABC, it becomes easier for the cost accountants to assign cost to the different activities of manufacturing. In addition, this process takes less time to work (ker Ad?gzel, 2016). The integration of TDABC can easily be done with the existing or available Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system of the companies that boosts the manufacturing process of the firms (Siguenza-Guzman et al., 2014). The production managers become able to generate accurate monthly reports of operation with the help of TDABC. The costing system under TDABC is considered as more efficient than ABC and traditional costing system as it properly utilizes the manufacturing capacity of the firms. The implementation of TDABC helps the production managers in the effective forecasting of resource demands (ker Ad?gzel, 2016). The implementation of TDABC provides inexpensive as well as fast changes in the costing models (Siguenza-Guzman et al., 2014). The implementation of TDABC makes small but important information available to the managers for solving different kinds of problems related with the manufacturing process. The major feature of TDABC is that it can be easily implemented and used in any kind of industry (ker Ad?gzel, 2016). The above features of TDABC shows the superiority of this costing system compared to the other available system. Differences It needs to be mentioned that TDABC has some major differences with the traditional costing system. At the same time, major differences can be seen between TDABC and ABC approach. The following discussion shows the differences: ABC vs. TDABC System The ABC method is considered as the reply of the inaccurate method of American accounting standards. The main area of concern of ABC costing is related with the what has been done in terms of activities rather than what has been spent (Rajabi Dabiri, 2012). On the other hand, the main area of concern for TDABC is related with the identification of the capacity of each department or process and to make the allocation of cost of this capacity of resource group over the objective of costs based on the required time to perform each activity. Under the process of ABC, a number of cost pools along with different type of cost drivers can be seen. The cost pool is considered as the total cost associated with an activity and cost driver is a feature of ABC that affects the cost and performance of cost activities (Hardan Shatnawi, 2013). In case of TDABC, if there is a decline in the demand of work in a particular department, the processes of TDABC helps the organizational managers in estima ting the quantity of resources released. It implies that TDABC can capture various characteristics of a cost activity with the help of time equitation. Under the process of ABC, indirect costs are assigned on the cost activities and then they are assigned on the cost objectives. In addition, with the help of the cost drivers, expenses of indirect resources are allocated with the cost activities. In case of TDABC, the developed equation of TDABC helps in assigning cost and time in activities based on the objectives of each activity (Emblemsvg Bras, 2012). However, in case of both the TDABC and ABC, the calculation is done in six stages. Thus, from the above discussion, it can be seen that there are some major differences between TDABC and ABC. TDABC vs. Traditional Costing Approach The major difference between TDABC and traditional costing system is that traditional costing system is simple where TDABC is a more complex system. Under the system of traditional costing system, there is a requirement of cost objectives and used up resources for the evaluation of various cost activities; but in case of the TDABC system, dependency of various cost activities can be seen on the activities used in cost objectives (Rumble, 2012). Managements of the firms adopt the system of TDABC in the presence of high amount overheads along with large number of miscellaneous products. There is a requirement of highly reliable and accurate method of the management of organizational costs. However, in case of traditional costing system, the use of single overhead pool can be seen that is unable for the calculation of true cost. In the process of traditional costing system, random allocation of cost objects can be seen on the basis of labor or machine hours (Cooper, 2017). This can be c onsidered as a major difference. The inclusion of identifiable products can be seen in TDABC where the arbitral accumulation of various expenses including salaries, depreciation and others can be seen in traditional costing system. In addition, under the process of traditional accounting system, accountants determine the cost of production after the production of all the products. However, in case of TDABC, the cost of production is determined based on the feedback of customers and pocket range. The implementation of TDABC helps in lowering cost of production for increasing productivity (Cohen, 2014). Thus, from the above discussion, it can be seen that there are clear differences between TDABC and traditional costing system. Suitability of TDABC The above discussion shows different aspect of TDABC like features, differences and others. Now, it is essential to determine whether TDABC is appropriate in the manufacturing companies. The following discussion shows the suitability of TDABC in the companies: TDABC has the ability of the creation of proper insight in different cost activities carried out by the companies. In comparison to the cost associated in traditional accounting system, this information about costs play an important role in the process of strategic decision-making to best run the manufacturing process. Thus, in the absence of TDABC, companies will not be able to judge the impact of individual activities on the companys profitability (Schulze, Seuring Ewering, 2012). Another key benefit of the implementation of TDABC is the distinction between capacity used and capacity supplied. The process of the calculation of required time to continue different activities and to connect them with the clear cost calculations provides the managers with powerful insight for cost management. It leads to the use of unused capacities. In addition, the company can get idea about the places requiring increase in workload (Rumble, 2012). The system of TDABC covers all the areas of enterprise recourse planning and due to this, accurate costs can easily follow every order transaction of the companies. The implementation of TDABC shows an accurate picture of the processes to distribute costs to particular customers and to empower profitability analysis relationship (Hooze, 2013). Most importantly, the implementation of TDABC helps the management of companies in making right decisions. Companies become able to identify, complex business processes with the help of TDABC, and it leads to the better negotiation with the customers (Carli Canavari, 2013). The model of TDABC helps the business organizations in the identification of cost opportunities in order to increase the efficiency of whole production process. In addition, it helps in the increase in production capacity of the companies (Namazi, 2016). It needs to be mentioned that the model of TDABC can be easily updated as per the operation of the companies. The above discussion shows the usefulness of TDABC in the companies. The implementation of TDABC in Super Technology Corp. will increase the amount of output of the company by reducing the cost of production as it will increases the efficiency of the whole production process. After that, the management of TDABC will be able to gain proper insight about the nature of cost of the company, as it is helpful in the integration of TDABC with other system of the company like enterprises recourse planning and others. Thus, based on the above discussion, it can be seen that TDABC will be suitable for Super Technology Corp. Conclusion The above discussion shows that TDABC is a modern approach of cost accounting in the companies. The features of TDABC show that this system is easy to assign to different cost activities; at the same time, TDABC can be easily integrated with the ERP system. According to the above system, it can be seen that TDABC has some major differences with the ABC system and traditional costing system. The differentiation shows that TDABC is superior to ABC system as it can be implemented in highly diversified companies with large amount of overheads as well as large number of products. It can also be seen that the system of TDABC allocates total costs among the cost activities more efficiently than the traditional costing system. Lastly, the study shows the suitability of TDABC in Super Technology Corp. for having different benefits. Most importantly, TDABC helps the companies in effective decision-making process. References Carli, G., Canavari, M. (2013). Introducing direct costing and activity based costing in a farm management system: A conceptual model.Procedia Technology,8, 397-405. 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Applying activity-based costing in a supply chain environment.International Journal of Production Economics,135(2), 716-725. Siguenza-Guzman, L., Van den Abbeele, A., Vandewalle, J., Verhaaren, H., Cattrysse, D. (2014). Using Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing to support library management decisions: A case study for lending and returning processes.The Library Quarterly,84(1), 76-98.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Notes On Emily Murphy Essays - , Term Papers
Notes on Emily Murphy ((p. 67)) It was while the first provincial legislatur was sitting that Mrs. Emily Murphy, born in Cookstown, Ontario, in 1868, was educated at Bishop Strachan's School in Toronto. In 1904 she and her husband moved to Winnipeg where Mrs. Murphy conducted the literary section of the Winnipeg Tribune for a few years before moving to Alberta in 1907. In her new home Mrs. Murphy came very active in civic affairs, especially in the attainment of las for the betterment of conditions for women and children. On June 13, 1916 she was appointed a police magistrate for the City of Edmonton, the first woman in the British empire to hold such a post. Under the [enname "Janey Canuck," Mrs. Murphy wrote many books and articles mirroring western life, some of which found their way into both British and American publications. The Rutherford government was framing a law to give women certain dower rights, and Mrs. Murphy disapproved of some of its provisions. Single-handed she went before the (( p. 68 )) committee on legislation and argued with such success that the bill, when passed, was substantially as she wished. It was on this occasion that Mrs. Murphy, most hapily married to the Reverend Arthur Murphy, received a letter from a grateful but misinformed pioneer woman who wrote:"God bless you, Janey Canuck, I have a troublesome husband too." ((p. 71)) Not content with vague anticipation of benefits to be conferred in some shadowy future, Mrs. McClung and Mrs. Murphy joind forces to call upon Sifton on March 2 and ask that a suffrage bill be introduced at that very session. Other cabinet members were also interviewed. The local press account does not reveal how the gentlemen fared at this meeting but the premier's comment upon its conclusion was simply, "Mrs. McClung and Mrs. Murphy are very determined women." ((p. 74)) The passage of time and the exercise of political power whetted rather than dulled the appetite of Alberta women. Marshalled by Judge Murphy, five veterans of the suffrage campaing fced the conservative stonghold of the Red Chamber at Ottawa, the Supreme Court of Canada, and even the august Privy Council in London to prove that women are "persons" in the eyes of the law, and consequently entitled to membership in the federal senate. The Alberta government, alone of the nine provinces, loyally supported the women in this eventful struggle, sending its attorney-general, Hon. J. F. Lymburn, to London to assist Hon. N. W. Rowell in pleading their cause. For the further emancipation which was an outcome of the successful termination of the Persons Case, the women of all Canada owe a debt of gratitude to (( p.75 )) those of this prairie province who wove reality out of a dream of complete political equality. - Sifton government appointed Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Jamieson to act as police magistrates. (Jamieson was appointed in December, Murphy in June) - (p. 141) Murphy is fighting to prove that women are "persons" in section 24 British North America Act. "In the minds of most women there never existed much doubt about whether or not they were persons, legal minds found this point highly contentious until that day in Oct. 1929 when Lord Chancellor Sankey, reading the opinion of the highest tribunal in the British empire, concluded that women are "persons" in the eyes of the law and hence entitled to be summoned to the Canadian senate. - (p. 142) Mrs. Murphy was appointed as police magistrate to preside over the newly created Women's Court in Edmonton. The first day she was accused (by the defendent) of not being a "person" under the British North America Act and had no right to be holding court anyway. The judge held her peace, relying upon the provincial government to prove, if necessary, that she was a "peron." - (p. 143) the delegates from all eight of the provinces represented unanimously endorsed a resolution requesting Prime Minister Borden to appoint a woman to the senate. Many other women's organizations soon followed suit, including the powerful National Council of Women. - (p. 143) In January 1921 the Montreal Women's Club, under the leadership of Mrs. John Scott, abandoned the vague request for appointment of "a woman" and asked Prime Minister Arthur Meighen point-blank to name Mrs. Emily Murphy to the senate as soon as there should be a vacancy. Mr. Meighen courteously said no, for the law officers of the Crown had advised him that the nomination of a woman was impossible. Notwithstanding the rebuff, Mrs. Murphy was pleased that she, a
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