Sunday, May 24, 2020
Questions On Health Care System - 1347 Words
WEAKNESS UKHC is following good strategic measures like focusing on complex patients, using EMR, and large physicians and patient network. However, the complexity of payment system is considered as major weakness that offers immense pressure on UKHC due to changing health care reforms (Karpf, Lofgren, Bricker, et al, 2009). Major concerns for UKHC in present situation are, †¢ Changing in reimbursement structures from volume-based payments to quality and outcome based payment structures. †¢ Even though growing in, patient centered and quality care rate there is public concern about the quality, access and safety of care provided. †¢ Growing awareness about medicine and independence of patients are the aspects that are challenging the medical procedures. †¢ Growing healthcare costs Even though the patient sharing is good from bluegrass funding, it is yet to provide leverage for patients form rural and low economy class. The rate of quality has declined form 12th rank to 19th rank in the recent quality analysis which UKHC need to realize. Extension of the services is needed for the inpatients and emergency is necessary due to increasing load of patients (Fact book, 2015). Implementation of extension process is necessary to increase the number of beds and associated staff. OPPORTUNITIES UKHC has more scope for expansion of its network and associated health care programs. Based on the aging population of Kentucky there is a need to initiate a long-term care unit inShow MoreRelatedA Study On The Health Care System1603 Words  | 7 Pagesjunior economics major taking Health Care Economics because her school doesn’t offer this course. She believes every citizen should be informed about the health care system, therefore she finds the course content relevant and interesting. The other student, Hanci, is also a junior who is double majoring in economics and psychology. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
History of Rockets and Space Travel Innovations
The evolution of the rocket has made it an indispensable tool in the exploration of space. For centuries, rockets have provided ceremonial and warfare uses starting with the ancient Chinese, the first to create rockets. The rocket apparently made its debut on the pages of history as a fire arrow used by the Chin Tartars in 1232 AD for fighting off a Mongol assault on Kai-feng-fu. The lineage to the immensely larger rockets now used as space launch vehicles is unmistakable. But for centuries rockets were in the main rather small, and their use was confined principally to weaponry, the projection of lifelines in sea rescue, signaling, and fireworks displays. Not until the 20th century did a clear understanding of the principles of rockets emerge, and only then did the technology of large rockets begin to evolve. Thus, as far as spaceflight and space science are concerned, the story of rockets up to the beginning of the 20th century was largely a prologue. Early Experiments All through the 13th to the 18th ​Century, there were reports of many rocket experiments. For example, Joanes de Fontana of Italy designed a surface-running rocket-powered torpedo for setting enemy ships on fire. In 1650, a Polish artillery expert, Kazimierz Siemienowicz, published a series of drawings for a staged rocket. In 1696, Robert Anderson, an Englishman, published a two-part treatise on how to make rocket molds, prepare the propellants, and perform the calculations. Sir William Congreve During the early introduction of rockets to Europe, they were used only as weapons. Enemy troops in India repulsed the British with rockets. Later in Britain, Sir William Congreve developed a rocket that could fire to about 9,000 feet. The British fired Congreve rockets against the United States in the War of 1812. Francis Scott Key coined the phrase the rockets red glare after the British fired Congreve rockets against the United States. William Congreves incendiary rocket used black powder, an iron case, and a 16-foot guide stick. Congreve had used a 16-foot guide stick to help stabilize his rocket. William Hale, another British inventor, invented the stickless rocket in 1846. The U.S. army used the Hale rocket more than 100 years ago in the war with Mexico. Rockets were also used to a limited extent in the Civil War. During the 19th century, rocket enthusiasts and inventors began to appear in almost every country. Some people thought these early rocket pioneers were geniuses, and others thought they were crazy. Claude Ruggieri, an Italian living in Paris, apparently rocketed small animals into space as early as 1806. The payloads were recovered by parachute. As far back as 1821, sailors hunted whales using rocket-propelled harpoons. These rocket harpoons were launched from a shoulder-held tube equipped with a circular blast shield. Reaching for the Stars By the end of the 19th century, soldiers, sailors, practical and not so practical inventors had developed a stake in rocketry. Skillful theorists, like Konstantian Tsiolkovsky in Russia, were examining the fundamental scientific theories behind rocketry. They were beginning to consider the possibility of space travel. Four persons were particularly significant in the transition from the small rockets of the 19th century to the colossi of the space age: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in Russia, Robert Goddard in the United States, and Hermann Oberth and Wernher von Braun in Germany. Rocket Staging and Technology Early rockets had a single engine, on which it rose until it ran out of fuel. A better way to achieve great speed, however, is to place a small rocket on top of a big one and fire it after the first has burned out. The US army, which after the war used captured V-2s for experimental flights into the high atmosphere, replaced the payload with another rocket, in this case, a WAC Corporal, which was launched from the top of the orbit. Now the burned-out V-2, weighing 3 tons, could be dropped and using the smaller rocket, the payload reached a much higher altitude. Today of course almost every space rocket uses several stages, dropping each empty burned-out stage and continuing with a smaller and lighter booster. Explorer 1, the first artificial satellite of the US which was launched in January 1958, used a 4-stage rocket. Even the space shuttle uses two large solid-fuel boosters which are dropped after they burn out. Chinese Fireworks Developed in the second century BCE, by the ancient Chinese, fireworks are the oldest form of rockets and the most simplistic model of a rocket. Preluding the liquid-fueled rocket, solid propellant rockets began with contributions to the field by such scientists as Zasiadko, Constantinov, and Congreve. Although currently in a further advanced state, solid propellant rockets remain in widespread use today, as seen in rockets including the Space Shuttle dual booster engines and the Delta series booster stages. Liquid fueled rockets were first theorized by Tsiolkozski in 1896.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Resource and Competitive Position Analysis Free Essays
The restaurant industry is a competitive industry. From low cost meals to specialty food items, restaurants have become save. â€Å"y’ in their efforts to attract customers. We will write a custom essay sample on Resource and Competitive Position Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pander Bread has developed a strategy to attract customers that are looking for a change from fast food. Consumers are looking for new ideas for meals. They are looking for quality foods over cheap fast food. Pander has been able to attract and draw customers away from the fast food market with their unique food ideas by drawing upon the many strengths of the company. The company has been hindered y the weaknesses in its strategy and now needs to develop ideas to turn those weaknesses into opportunities to increase customers and revenue. A SOOT analysis of the company will highlight areas where the company is performing well and areas that need improved. Strengths Quality ingredients – Pander offers the highest quality of products to its customers. From fresh vegetables to gluten free items. The company offers a menu to suit a variety of customers. Niche Market – Pancreas menu items have evolved to meet the taste and demands of customers. Brand – The company has a strong and distinctive rand Reward card – This allows Pander to build a relationship with customers. Customers are rewarded with free food items for being loyal customers. Weakness Pricing – While Pander offers higher quality foods, many people are turned off by the high cost of the food. Pancreas food is priced considerable higher than that of their competitors. Many of the fast-food chains offer and entire meal for less than the cost of a sandwich at Pander Brand name – The Company is not as well-known as some of its competitors and often gets overlooked. Menu Selection – Pancreas menu is limited o soups, salad, sandwiches and bread. Customers wanting more variety will look for other food ideas. Market share – The company is a national brand sold exclusively in the United States Opportunities Expansion – The Company can expand business to the international market. This opens the company up to a new market with similar taste. This allows the company to increase market share and revenue. Catering – Pander offers catering services which is a feature that many fast food companies do not offer. Catering services allows the company to increase revenue and introduces menu items to a new range of customers. Trends – Consumer taste can change and evolve over time. This gives Pander the opportunity to adjust and adapt its menu to meet those needs. Threats Chipolata – Chipolata has a similar strategy to that of Pander. It offers fresh ingredients and healthier food items that consumers are seeking. Chipolata stores have cropped up across the country and offer consumers quality meal over standard fast food items. Struck – Struck has been a leader in the coffee business for years. They have a larger beverage menu than that offered by Chipolata. Coffee drinkers prefer the various options offered by Struck to the limited drink menu of Pander. McDonald’s – McDonald’s competes with Pander on a different level. They offer customers cheap and quick food selections. They have introduced healthier food items to their menu to meet the needs of more health conscious individuals. Pander has distinctive competencies that set is apart from competitors. Its artisan breads are made fresh daily and gives customers a variety of options to choose from. Customers frequent the restaurant exclusively to purchase the breads. For Pander to continue to grow, the company needs to look at making an entrance into the global markets. Pander has achieved a great deal of success domestically, but has not managed to penetrate international markets. Pander needs to conduct research on trends in foreign countries and develop products to fit the needs of those consumers. Once research has been completed, market testing needs to occur to see how consumers respond to the menu items. Next, the company needs to stay abreast of current trends in the market and make adjustments to its menu items. Consumer taste changes often and companies that onto adapt to change will not be successful. Additionally, the company needs to look at ways to drive up traffic during evening hours. Pander has been very success with the lunch crowd, but traffic drops off after that. Pander needs on incorporate menu items that will attract people out for dinner or that will be appeasing to families with children. Pander has enjoyed great success over the years. Customers are pleased with the variety of items offered by the restaurant. Pander has been very successful with the fast-casual market, quality dishes and the esthetics look of the stores. Pancreas strength lies in attracting and retaining customers and evidenced by the company’s increased revenue. Pander is a leader in the market and set the standard for which many companies are imitating. How to cite Resource and Competitive Position Analysis, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Enterprise Planning and Implementation Indian Rail
Question: Describe about featues of Indian railway? Answer: Introduction is the formal web page to look for all the Indian railways train. First, it has a lot of pop-ups and marketing which create the customer unpleasant. This website does not display the traveller and display practice which do not have a booking trainer. Here a customer must know the practice name or variety and also place rule without this detail he cannot look for the train. They have given the web link for looking the place rule, but if the customer does not know the appropriate punctuation of the place name he cannot get the placement rule. One more factor is for each access the traveller will have to go to get it from an individual web page. If the traveller do not know the time frame of operations of the practice, then also the traveller are not able to look for the train (irfca, 2010). Features of the site The website servicing actions occur from 211:00 PM to 12:30 AM every day. During this interval details will not be available. Also, observe that since the program is closed for servicing actions no position changes take position during this interval (Indian Railways, 2015). Internet Reservation Facility through Credit Cards: Lately, internet booking service has begun on Indian Railways. The website is functional, wherein the traveller can get the train booking done through credit/debit cards. Online PNR and Seat Availability Query Timings: The online PNR and chair accessibility concerns are fetched from the automated booking programs. Network Connectivity Failures: For the PNR and chair accessibility concerns, the outcome is fetched from the automated booking programs at the five websites. If there is any system web link failing, or if the system collections are very crowded, then this mistake concept is shown (RVNL, 2015). SMS Services: Now all the inquiries provided on the website are available on the cell phone through SMS support. Latest Arrival and Departure Timings: The newest appearance and leaving timings of late trains, along with redirected tracks, etc. will be made available soon on this website only. Grievances against Amenities in Trains/ Platforms /Officials: The issue application is currently under growth. We try our best to ahead the issues to the involved division. However, please observe that this is not always possible. Please observe that all the problems and recommendations for the enhancement of the website can be put on the Reviews recommendations web page (CRIS, 2015). Trains between Important Stations: On initiating this case the traveller will be persuaded to choose the resource and location from the fall down record box. Also choose the appropriate type of travel and just click get it. This choice shows a record of all trains that ply between the described places couple along with the seasons, appearance and leaving time and days of the run. After choosing a practice and corresponding sessions of importance it is possible to find the provision, stand up and path of the practice using the available control buttons. Passenger Status: This choice shows the present position of a reserved solution. Please observe that in the situation there is any modify in the position after graph planning it will not be available through the program and can be known only at the place, which in impact indicates that the position indicated by the program after the graph planning will not be further modified (IREPS, 2015). Concessional Fare Enquiry for a Train: This option shows a complete split of the stand up for legitimate sessions of a practice and a couple of channels. Observe that legitimate sessions relies on the couple of channels and the joined concession rule. It is also possible to view the stand up for different age categories. Accessibility for this practice can also be acquired from here using the available control buttons. Station Codes: This choice allows the traveller to acquire the list of place requirements of those channels where the place name suits the feedback sub-string. This provides the choice of looking for channel titles which start with the feedback sequence or which somewhere in their name contain the feedback sequence. The traveller may see the outcome categorized in either the place name or rule. Train Schedule: On initiating this option the traveller will be persuaded to get into few figures of either the Practice name or Practice number of the train the traveller are looking for. On posting the question a list of all trains that coordinate the joined figures will be shown along with their specific source and location information (Maps of India, 2015). Conclusion Indian Railways are experiencing range problems almost exclusive to itself. While there are developments required at every level, there cant be an important enhancement in solution booking encounter without making primary changes. All these efficiency developments can decrease traveller disappointment by finishing the booking encounter quicker without many problems, but still will not do anything to the number individuals who end up not getting a booking. Insufficient resource is the bigger issue that needs to be handled by helping the efficiency of the system, improving the costs a little more than the current levels, and then making an investment a lot of potential building. Reference CRIS, 2015. CENTRE FOR RAILWAY INFORMATION SYSTEMS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. Indian Railways, 2015. INDIAN RAILWAYS PASSENGER RESERVATION ENQUIRY. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. IREPS, 2015. Indian Railways E-Procurement System. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. irfca, 2010. General Information on travelling by IR. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. Maps of India, 2015. Indian Railways TimeTable. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. RVNL, 2015. Rail Vikas Nigam Limited. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015].
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