Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Negative Relationships in Hawthornes Rappaccinis Daughter :: Rappaccinis Daughter Essays
Negative Relationships in Hawthorne's Rappaccini's Daughter How broad is the bond among father and little girl? To most, that bond serves to ensure the kid until she can secure herself, and afterward for her to be free. For Dr. Giacomo Rappaccini and his girl Beatrice, that bond was to be contorted and eventually deadly for Beatrice. Beatrice, by her dad's arrangement was never to be free and autonomous yet rather confined from the life of the world and reliant on the toxin from her dad. Dr. Rappaccini is fixated on science and what the control of nature can accomplish for individuals. He is overprotective of Beatrice and feels that he can give the answer for every last bit of her issues. Knowing the shades of malice of the world as a youngster, Rappaccini chooses to assume responsibility for Beatrice's life and ensure nobody can ever harmed his adored little girl. By topping Beatrice off with poison, Rappaccini prevails with regards to keeping Beatrice from any detestable; yet at what cost? Beatrice is liberated from any malevolent contacting her, however she is additionally disengaged from any great that may go to her. What could Rappaccini's legitimization for controlling his little girl's life so totally be? It is most likely because of a hard life lived by Rappaccini and the suspicion that the world is insidious and that there is no expectation for goodness. However, what Rappaccini doesn't comprehend is that virtue is picked separately, not constrained upon somebody. His crazy energy for science(2251) has made Rappaccini fixated on controlling his environmental factors. From segregating his little girl through toxin, to keeping an eye on her exercises, to designing his nursery, to changing another individual with toxic substance to be with Beatrice. Be that as it may, that isn't to suggest that Dr. Rappaccini doesn't cherish his girl with his entire being. In his own specific manner he cherishes Beatrice past any measure. This is his legitimization for why it is OK that he be so controlling. He accepts that with his adoration and information he can give every one of that his little girl needs. Be that as it may, this is the place Dr. Rappaccini isn't right. His adoration isn't all that Beatrice needs, and accordingly she is upset in her insidious free presence.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Ancient Korean Culture
The conventional Korean Society holds a solid Confucian custom, which is obviously showed in the solid commitment to the family. This convention joined with the enthusiastic idea of Koreans can maybe clarify solid loyalties felt between family members, associates, schoolmates, and companions. This is all valid for Korean culture today. Despite the fact that various things have changed, there is as yet a solid accentuation on the conventional family (People, 1). One of the huge contrasts in the customary Korean family structure and the present family structure is masterminded relationships. Organized relationships mirrored the conventional conviction that marriage is the association of two families, not just two individuals. Under the old family framework guardians masterminded relationships without the assent of their kids, either male or female. In the present Korean family this is still evident however to an alternate degree. Since under the old family framework, little girls left their folks to live with their husband†s families, marriage was regularly awful for them. New spouses obviously attempted to satisfy their significant other, yet more critically, they needed to satisfy their mom parents in law. The relative coordinated then spouse in her housework and had the ability to send the lady of the hour back home in disfavor if the lady of the hour truly disappointed her. Now and then this change was hard for the lady of the hour (Sorensen, 1). Masterminded relationships keep on turning out to be famous on the grounds that youngsters and ladies in Korea find easygoing mingling ungainly and frequently feel like the need understanding to pick their own accomplices. Albeit easygoing dating is currently increasingly normal, most connections between youngsters and ladies happen in gatherings. Orchestrated relationships additionally appear to be protected on the grounds that to go between obviously assesses the social foundation of the lady of the hour and man of the hour. After their commitment a couple will date so they know each other well when they wed. The example is normal to such an extent that Koreans expect that a youthful couple who dates routinely will be hitched (Sorensen, 3). Another part of Korean family structure that has changed is the job of men. Children were more important than girls. Children needed to state at their parents†home significantly after marriage. This law was changed. Since individuals regularly move to look for some kind of employment, oldest children frequently can't live with their folks. The New Civil code of 1958 sanctioned change preferring the new conditions. Basically, the new code debilitated the intensity of the leader of the family unit, and fortified the spouse wife relationship (Male kids, 1). Children were additionally significant in light of the fact that under Korea†s Confucian custom the family name and family convention was gone down through male beneficiaries. At the point when a couple couldn't deliver a male beneficiary, they would attempt to have a child with another lady so as to ensure that the family name was carried on to the people to come. Guardians additionally relied upon their children when they resigned. Today the house head can't figure out where relatives live. An oldest child would now be able to venture out from home without wanting to. Married couples share capacity to decide the training discipline of the youngsters. Kids can settle on their own relationships, and authorization isn't required on the off chance that they are old enough. More youthful children leave their parent to frame their own families when they wed, and the leader of the family no longer has the lawful option to deal with all family property. Since the New affable code, al l kids have equivalent case in their folks property (Sorensen, 2). A third part of progress in the Korean family structure is the division of work of guys and females. In the convention family, men toiled outside, dealing with significant field crops, while ladies worked inside doing housework, turning, weaving, cooking, and bringing up the youngsters. To a limited degree this custom lives on today, even as an ever increasing number of ladies take employments in the cutting edge work place. Spouses typically think it is humiliating to help with the housework, albeit a portion of the more youthful ones assistance (Male kids, 2). The bringing up of Korean kids is done practically a similar path in the conventional family structure as in the present family structure. Small kids were and are reveled. Latrine preparing was loose and youngsters were not trained before they were mature enough to reason. When a kid arrived at six or seven, preparing started decisively. Guardians started the exacting detachment of young ladies and young men, as per Confucian morals, and they prepared kids to utilize the deferential voice of those more established (Differences, 2). When he arrived at seven a kid realized that he should utilize the deferential method of discourse to his more established sibling, and he realized that inability to do so would bring about quick and certain discipline. These things are as yet done today. The main contrast is the situation of young ladies in these families. Customarily, a young lady by seven for the most part knows her situation in the family was substandard compared to her brother†s in light of the fact that when she was hitched, she left the family. Presently, them two have the alternative of leaving or staying (Differences, 2). At last the last part of the Korean family culture that has not changed is the significance of training for Korean youngsters. A typical faith in Korean is youngsters are impression of their folks. Guardians are relied upon to hard and fast help their children†s instruction, regularly giving up their own solace. More cash is spent on private coaching and test schools than on state funded instruction. Koreans put extraordinary confidence in an advanced degree. It is the most significant factor in choosing one†s vocation. Another explanation is Korean parents†dedication to their youngsters. They will effectively guarantee their children†s achievement and satisfaction. Numerous guardians additionally trust that their youngsters will make the progress that they longed for however never accomplished (Sorensen, 1). Notwithstanding ongoing changes, essential attributes of the customary Korean family remain. Every individual in the family despite everything has an unmistakably characterized job, every dependant on others inside the nuclear family. Korean†s adjust their conventional thoughts inside the family to new conditions. The family despite everything holds a male house head. Legacy of family authority despite everything proceeds through the father†s line, children despite everything acquire more riches than little girls do. Kids, particularly oldest children, are as yet considered liable for the consideration of their matured guardians. The structure of the Korean family stays with just a couple of changes. The center Confucian qualities, which molded the family, are as yet an incredible power in Korean Life.
Monday, August 17, 2020
What I Learned Traveling in Israel without a Tour Bus
What I Learned Traveling in Israel without a Tour Bus On May 1st, I did something I haven’t done in over 10 years: I got on a plane and flew to a foreign country. I had been to Israel before, but only on pre-programmed tours. Here are some snippets of what I learned as a solo traveler traveling in Israel, visiting friends and giving a presentation as an international speaker at Google Campus Tel Aviv: Day 1: Arrival When traveling in Israel, it pays to have an official European style adapter for a MacBook Pro charger. The only way I could get my charger to work was to find a diagonal plug or a power strip on the ground. Anything else would not hold the bulky charger. Day 2: Hod Hasharon Get oriented. And don’t wander out on a 103-degree day without a hat and sunglasses, without knowing in which direction to take the bus. Don’t be shy about calling your friend for help. She will be willing to take you to the bus stop and save you from sunstroke. The buses don’t come on time. Don’t expect them to. Sometimes you’ll just need to take a taxi. The taxis don’t take credit cards, but they’ll accept U.S. dollars. When attending a yoga class in Hebrew, it’s a good idea to tell the yoga instructor that you don’t speak Hebrew. She’ll be much more likely to throw in English as necessary. Sh’efa, ven’shifah = Breathe in, Breathe out Thought you could get mixed greens in Israel that don’t include arugula? Think again. The buses don’t come on time in the afternoon either. Day 3: Swimming, Shopping and Shabbat If you’re nice to the lifeguard at the outdoor pool at the moshav, he’ll let you in for free, even if you’re not a member. The Central Bus Station in Jerusalem is like a small city. Be sure to have a shekel on hand to use the restroom! “King (Melech) Halvah†has the best halvah in Israel. And they give tastes! The dates in Israel are 10x better than anything you’ll get in the States. Don’t keep walking in sandals after they have worn a cut on your foot. The bike path in Jerusalem is beautiful, bordered by lavender and rosemary, and a lovely place to walk on Friday night. Do not expect to eat Shabbat dinner before 9pm, and do not expect it to be over until midnight. Expect deep conversation. Light your own set of candles if you’re in Israel for Shabbat, even if at first you think it’s okay to bless candles lit by someone else. Day 4: Shabbat in the Old City and Ein Karem Sleeping late on Saturday is the way to go after a late Shabbat dinner. Those yoga videos you purchased on special and downloaded onto your computer? They are great for a country that shuts down on Saturdays! There are stores and restaurants open on Saturdays in Jerusalem! The stones on the walkways in the Old City are treacherously slippery. If your shoes slip, wear bare feet. You might offend some people, but at least you will not wipe out. When you see a door you are compelled to open, open it and wander in. You might be surprised at what you find. And your friend who didn’t want to see the art exhibit might just end up having multiple people she knows in common with the artist. If you ask someone if you can pick fruit from their loquat tree, they will probably say yes. Loquats are delicious and pair well with those amazing dates. Always have cash on hand when traveling in Israel. Machines that are supposed to accept credit cards, well, sometimes don’t. Day 4: Dancing and Yad Vashem When assisting at a movement class for the elderly in Jerusalem, wear a high-cut top or some of the ladies might get offended. The men have no problem with it. Plan to spend a whole day at Yad Vashem (the Holocaust Museum) when traveling in Israel. The hours of testimonials are riveting. Four hours just isn’t enough. Don’t put money on your “Rav Kav†(transportation card) on the Jerusalem light rail if you want to use the money for a bus in Tel Aviv. Day 5: Joy Gym This is the land of the Bible. Where there is lightning, there could be hail. Be on the lookout for shelter. You can run into some interesting characters at Joy Gym in Hod Hasharon, including Eli Danker, an Israeli actor who teaches acting to Martha Graham dancers in New York, and usually plays a terrorist. You can look him up on IMDb. “Itzuvlates†with Rotem at Joy Gym is one of the best and most challenging fitness classes you’ll ever find! “Itzuv†means sculpting â€" so Itzuvlates is a combo sculpting and Pilates. The instructor is really encouraging too! There really is no way to get those light rail tickets converted to normal money on the Rav Kav. Try as you might. The 8-hour time difference between the US and Israel is great for freedom in the mornings; not so great for having any freedom in the evenings or for going to bed at a decent hour! If you take the bus to an address but it’s in the wrong city, you will be very late getting to your cousins’ house and probably not get to play with the baby. A 10-minute car ride can take an hour on 3 buses. Oy. Day 6: Artists and Eateries If you’re in Tel Aviv on a Tuesday, be sure to go to the Artist’s Market. You’ll find some beautiful objects there! I bought a Shabbat set that holds tealights instead of the tall white candles I grew up with, and a turquoise scarf with butterflies! Then wander over to Ouzeria, a restaurant with a Greek twist, patronized by locals â€" best food I had while I was in Israel! Office buildings in Tel Aviv can look like this: Bargaining is all about the facial expression. Biggest win: A chunk of halvah knocked down from 45nis (shekels) to 30nis. Score! Day 7: Google Campus Tel Aviv Office buildings in Israel can also look like this: Israelis can be an enthusiastic and challenging crowd! Networking meetings can be set up on a dime. I met the next day with a recruiter who attended my presentation! The Mexican chocolate popsicles at the Sarona Mall are worth the trip. Day 8: Final Day It doesn’t take long to make friends at the gym. Eli Danker was there again! It’s possible to live in Israel without speaking a word of Hebrew. I met another client who lives there and works for the U.S. federal government and she knows one phrase: “Tax receiptâ€! Landver might be a chain, but they have really great food, from salads to smoothies to pasta. Yoga classes at Joy Gym are not for advanced students. Stick to EllaYoga! A gathering of 6-8 people can be created on a dime. People show up! Lovely evening at the outdoor seating at Landver. Day 9: Farewell Israel! Taxis come 15 minutes early in Hod Hasharon. Better than 15 minutes late! Your friends in Israel will want you to move there. Refrigerator magnets at the airport are a great way to spend those last shekels. Leaving Israel feels sad. Already looking forward to the next trip. L’hitraot (until we see each other again)!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Questions On Health Care System - 1347 Words
WEAKNESS UKHC is following good strategic measures like focusing on complex patients, using EMR, and large physicians and patient network. However, the complexity of payment system is considered as major weakness that offers immense pressure on UKHC due to changing health care reforms (Karpf, Lofgren, Bricker, et al, 2009). Major concerns for UKHC in present situation are, †¢ Changing in reimbursement structures from volume-based payments to quality and outcome based payment structures. †¢ Even though growing in, patient centered and quality care rate there is public concern about the quality, access and safety of care provided. †¢ Growing awareness about medicine and independence of patients are the aspects that are challenging the medical procedures. †¢ Growing healthcare costs Even though the patient sharing is good from bluegrass funding, it is yet to provide leverage for patients form rural and low economy class. The rate of quality has declined form 12th rank to 19th rank in the recent quality analysis which UKHC need to realize. Extension of the services is needed for the inpatients and emergency is necessary due to increasing load of patients (Fact book, 2015). Implementation of extension process is necessary to increase the number of beds and associated staff. OPPORTUNITIES UKHC has more scope for expansion of its network and associated health care programs. Based on the aging population of Kentucky there is a need to initiate a long-term care unit inShow MoreRelatedA Study On The Health Care System1603 Words  | 7 Pagesjunior economics major taking Health Care Economics because her school doesn’t offer this course. She believes every citizen should be informed about the health care system, therefore she finds the course content relevant and interesting. The other student, Hanci, is also a junior who is double majoring in economics and psychology. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
History of Rockets and Space Travel Innovations
The evolution of the rocket has made it an indispensable tool in the exploration of space. For centuries, rockets have provided ceremonial and warfare uses starting with the ancient Chinese, the first to create rockets. The rocket apparently made its debut on the pages of history as a fire arrow used by the Chin Tartars in 1232 AD for fighting off a Mongol assault on Kai-feng-fu. The lineage to the immensely larger rockets now used as space launch vehicles is unmistakable. But for centuries rockets were in the main rather small, and their use was confined principally to weaponry, the projection of lifelines in sea rescue, signaling, and fireworks displays. Not until the 20th century did a clear understanding of the principles of rockets emerge, and only then did the technology of large rockets begin to evolve. Thus, as far as spaceflight and space science are concerned, the story of rockets up to the beginning of the 20th century was largely a prologue. Early Experiments All through the 13th to the 18th ​Century, there were reports of many rocket experiments. For example, Joanes de Fontana of Italy designed a surface-running rocket-powered torpedo for setting enemy ships on fire. In 1650, a Polish artillery expert, Kazimierz Siemienowicz, published a series of drawings for a staged rocket. In 1696, Robert Anderson, an Englishman, published a two-part treatise on how to make rocket molds, prepare the propellants, and perform the calculations. Sir William Congreve During the early introduction of rockets to Europe, they were used only as weapons. Enemy troops in India repulsed the British with rockets. Later in Britain, Sir William Congreve developed a rocket that could fire to about 9,000 feet. The British fired Congreve rockets against the United States in the War of 1812. Francis Scott Key coined the phrase the rockets red glare after the British fired Congreve rockets against the United States. William Congreves incendiary rocket used black powder, an iron case, and a 16-foot guide stick. Congreve had used a 16-foot guide stick to help stabilize his rocket. William Hale, another British inventor, invented the stickless rocket in 1846. The U.S. army used the Hale rocket more than 100 years ago in the war with Mexico. Rockets were also used to a limited extent in the Civil War. During the 19th century, rocket enthusiasts and inventors began to appear in almost every country. Some people thought these early rocket pioneers were geniuses, and others thought they were crazy. Claude Ruggieri, an Italian living in Paris, apparently rocketed small animals into space as early as 1806. The payloads were recovered by parachute. As far back as 1821, sailors hunted whales using rocket-propelled harpoons. These rocket harpoons were launched from a shoulder-held tube equipped with a circular blast shield. Reaching for the Stars By the end of the 19th century, soldiers, sailors, practical and not so practical inventors had developed a stake in rocketry. Skillful theorists, like Konstantian Tsiolkovsky in Russia, were examining the fundamental scientific theories behind rocketry. They were beginning to consider the possibility of space travel. Four persons were particularly significant in the transition from the small rockets of the 19th century to the colossi of the space age: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in Russia, Robert Goddard in the United States, and Hermann Oberth and Wernher von Braun in Germany. Rocket Staging and Technology Early rockets had a single engine, on which it rose until it ran out of fuel. A better way to achieve great speed, however, is to place a small rocket on top of a big one and fire it after the first has burned out. The US army, which after the war used captured V-2s for experimental flights into the high atmosphere, replaced the payload with another rocket, in this case, a WAC Corporal, which was launched from the top of the orbit. Now the burned-out V-2, weighing 3 tons, could be dropped and using the smaller rocket, the payload reached a much higher altitude. Today of course almost every space rocket uses several stages, dropping each empty burned-out stage and continuing with a smaller and lighter booster. Explorer 1, the first artificial satellite of the US which was launched in January 1958, used a 4-stage rocket. Even the space shuttle uses two large solid-fuel boosters which are dropped after they burn out. Chinese Fireworks Developed in the second century BCE, by the ancient Chinese, fireworks are the oldest form of rockets and the most simplistic model of a rocket. Preluding the liquid-fueled rocket, solid propellant rockets began with contributions to the field by such scientists as Zasiadko, Constantinov, and Congreve. Although currently in a further advanced state, solid propellant rockets remain in widespread use today, as seen in rockets including the Space Shuttle dual booster engines and the Delta series booster stages. Liquid fueled rockets were first theorized by Tsiolkozski in 1896.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Resource and Competitive Position Analysis Free Essays
The restaurant industry is a competitive industry. From low cost meals to specialty food items, restaurants have become save. â€Å"y’ in their efforts to attract customers. We will write a custom essay sample on Resource and Competitive Position Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pander Bread has developed a strategy to attract customers that are looking for a change from fast food. Consumers are looking for new ideas for meals. They are looking for quality foods over cheap fast food. Pander has been able to attract and draw customers away from the fast food market with their unique food ideas by drawing upon the many strengths of the company. The company has been hindered y the weaknesses in its strategy and now needs to develop ideas to turn those weaknesses into opportunities to increase customers and revenue. A SOOT analysis of the company will highlight areas where the company is performing well and areas that need improved. Strengths Quality ingredients – Pander offers the highest quality of products to its customers. From fresh vegetables to gluten free items. The company offers a menu to suit a variety of customers. Niche Market – Pancreas menu items have evolved to meet the taste and demands of customers. Brand – The company has a strong and distinctive rand Reward card – This allows Pander to build a relationship with customers. Customers are rewarded with free food items for being loyal customers. Weakness Pricing – While Pander offers higher quality foods, many people are turned off by the high cost of the food. Pancreas food is priced considerable higher than that of their competitors. Many of the fast-food chains offer and entire meal for less than the cost of a sandwich at Pander Brand name – The Company is not as well-known as some of its competitors and often gets overlooked. Menu Selection – Pancreas menu is limited o soups, salad, sandwiches and bread. Customers wanting more variety will look for other food ideas. Market share – The company is a national brand sold exclusively in the United States Opportunities Expansion – The Company can expand business to the international market. This opens the company up to a new market with similar taste. This allows the company to increase market share and revenue. Catering – Pander offers catering services which is a feature that many fast food companies do not offer. Catering services allows the company to increase revenue and introduces menu items to a new range of customers. Trends – Consumer taste can change and evolve over time. This gives Pander the opportunity to adjust and adapt its menu to meet those needs. Threats Chipolata – Chipolata has a similar strategy to that of Pander. It offers fresh ingredients and healthier food items that consumers are seeking. Chipolata stores have cropped up across the country and offer consumers quality meal over standard fast food items. Struck – Struck has been a leader in the coffee business for years. They have a larger beverage menu than that offered by Chipolata. Coffee drinkers prefer the various options offered by Struck to the limited drink menu of Pander. McDonald’s – McDonald’s competes with Pander on a different level. They offer customers cheap and quick food selections. They have introduced healthier food items to their menu to meet the needs of more health conscious individuals. Pander has distinctive competencies that set is apart from competitors. Its artisan breads are made fresh daily and gives customers a variety of options to choose from. Customers frequent the restaurant exclusively to purchase the breads. For Pander to continue to grow, the company needs to look at making an entrance into the global markets. Pander has achieved a great deal of success domestically, but has not managed to penetrate international markets. Pander needs to conduct research on trends in foreign countries and develop products to fit the needs of those consumers. Once research has been completed, market testing needs to occur to see how consumers respond to the menu items. Next, the company needs to stay abreast of current trends in the market and make adjustments to its menu items. Consumer taste changes often and companies that onto adapt to change will not be successful. Additionally, the company needs to look at ways to drive up traffic during evening hours. Pander has been very success with the lunch crowd, but traffic drops off after that. Pander needs on incorporate menu items that will attract people out for dinner or that will be appeasing to families with children. Pander has enjoyed great success over the years. Customers are pleased with the variety of items offered by the restaurant. Pander has been very successful with the fast-casual market, quality dishes and the esthetics look of the stores. Pancreas strength lies in attracting and retaining customers and evidenced by the company’s increased revenue. Pander is a leader in the market and set the standard for which many companies are imitating. How to cite Resource and Competitive Position Analysis, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Enterprise Planning and Implementation Indian Rail
Question: Describe about featues of Indian railway? Answer: Introduction is the formal web page to look for all the Indian railways train. First, it has a lot of pop-ups and marketing which create the customer unpleasant. This website does not display the traveller and display practice which do not have a booking trainer. Here a customer must know the practice name or variety and also place rule without this detail he cannot look for the train. They have given the web link for looking the place rule, but if the customer does not know the appropriate punctuation of the place name he cannot get the placement rule. One more factor is for each access the traveller will have to go to get it from an individual web page. If the traveller do not know the time frame of operations of the practice, then also the traveller are not able to look for the train (irfca, 2010). Features of the site The website servicing actions occur from 211:00 PM to 12:30 AM every day. During this interval details will not be available. Also, observe that since the program is closed for servicing actions no position changes take position during this interval (Indian Railways, 2015). Internet Reservation Facility through Credit Cards: Lately, internet booking service has begun on Indian Railways. The website is functional, wherein the traveller can get the train booking done through credit/debit cards. Online PNR and Seat Availability Query Timings: The online PNR and chair accessibility concerns are fetched from the automated booking programs. Network Connectivity Failures: For the PNR and chair accessibility concerns, the outcome is fetched from the automated booking programs at the five websites. If there is any system web link failing, or if the system collections are very crowded, then this mistake concept is shown (RVNL, 2015). SMS Services: Now all the inquiries provided on the website are available on the cell phone through SMS support. Latest Arrival and Departure Timings: The newest appearance and leaving timings of late trains, along with redirected tracks, etc. will be made available soon on this website only. Grievances against Amenities in Trains/ Platforms /Officials: The issue application is currently under growth. We try our best to ahead the issues to the involved division. However, please observe that this is not always possible. Please observe that all the problems and recommendations for the enhancement of the website can be put on the Reviews recommendations web page (CRIS, 2015). Trains between Important Stations: On initiating this case the traveller will be persuaded to choose the resource and location from the fall down record box. Also choose the appropriate type of travel and just click get it. This choice shows a record of all trains that ply between the described places couple along with the seasons, appearance and leaving time and days of the run. After choosing a practice and corresponding sessions of importance it is possible to find the provision, stand up and path of the practice using the available control buttons. Passenger Status: This choice shows the present position of a reserved solution. Please observe that in the situation there is any modify in the position after graph planning it will not be available through the program and can be known only at the place, which in impact indicates that the position indicated by the program after the graph planning will not be further modified (IREPS, 2015). Concessional Fare Enquiry for a Train: This option shows a complete split of the stand up for legitimate sessions of a practice and a couple of channels. Observe that legitimate sessions relies on the couple of channels and the joined concession rule. It is also possible to view the stand up for different age categories. Accessibility for this practice can also be acquired from here using the available control buttons. Station Codes: This choice allows the traveller to acquire the list of place requirements of those channels where the place name suits the feedback sub-string. This provides the choice of looking for channel titles which start with the feedback sequence or which somewhere in their name contain the feedback sequence. The traveller may see the outcome categorized in either the place name or rule. Train Schedule: On initiating this option the traveller will be persuaded to get into few figures of either the Practice name or Practice number of the train the traveller are looking for. On posting the question a list of all trains that coordinate the joined figures will be shown along with their specific source and location information (Maps of India, 2015). Conclusion Indian Railways are experiencing range problems almost exclusive to itself. While there are developments required at every level, there cant be an important enhancement in solution booking encounter without making primary changes. All these efficiency developments can decrease traveller disappointment by finishing the booking encounter quicker without many problems, but still will not do anything to the number individuals who end up not getting a booking. Insufficient resource is the bigger issue that needs to be handled by helping the efficiency of the system, improving the costs a little more than the current levels, and then making an investment a lot of potential building. Reference CRIS, 2015. CENTRE FOR RAILWAY INFORMATION SYSTEMS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. Indian Railways, 2015. INDIAN RAILWAYS PASSENGER RESERVATION ENQUIRY. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. IREPS, 2015. Indian Railways E-Procurement System. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. irfca, 2010. General Information on travelling by IR. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. Maps of India, 2015. Indian Railways TimeTable. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. RVNL, 2015. Rail Vikas Nigam Limited. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015].
Sunday, March 29, 2020
One day this year, as I was walking by my perpetua Essays - Crops
One day this year, as I was walking by my perpetually empty locker, I was struck by an idea. I cannot identify what sparked its conception, but as my idea started to grow, thinking of possible solutions and analyzing and assessing feasibility issues began to consume me. My father calls this a "designer's high," and it was very familiar to me. I've experienced it often while collaborating with my robotics team, and in the hours I've spent with my father on design concepts for his prefabricated homes. Still, nothing I had worked on before was similar to the feeling this "out of the box" idea had triggered. Growing strawberries in a high school locker seemed fairly simple at first. Despite knowing that this is not the typical habitat for strawberry plants, I knew from my green-thumbed mother that strawberries are among the easiest fruits to grow. Many students and teachers became interested in my project, yet were skeptical of my botanical prowess and quick to conclude that a plant could not possibly receive its basic necessities in a locker, which didn't have proper ventilation, was hot and humid, and was shielded from both sunlight and any source of water. Still, I was determined to make this work. The unfriendly habitat and logistical obstacles did not deter me. My horticultural roots stem from my mother and elementary level biology. It wasn't until this year that my knowledge expanded beyond this casual level into a realm where biology, chemistry, and physics found beautiful, synergistic intersections. I was determined to apply what I had learned and got to work. Due to the lack of electricity and direct sunlight, I decided to use a solar panel paired with a light sensor on the outside of my locker to power a strong, blue LED light, which is best for photosynthesis and plant growth. A friend taught me how to solder and helped me create the solar panel setup, which turns on the blue light only when it is dark outside so the plants experience the proper light cycles. I also set up a system to slowly water the plants automatically. This involved a series of drip bottleswhich another friend had for his old, now deceased, pet guinea pigarranged to drip into each other and then onto the soil. Having addressed the issues of light and water, I focused on the need to circulate air. Leaving the door closed would provide essentially no circulation and would create a hot and moist environment, making the plants more susceptible to mold. After experimenting with various designs and a 3D printed prototype, I came up with an extension of the latching mechanism on the inside of my locker, which I called the "strawberry jamb." The jamb, which I cut using our school's CNC router, sufficiently boosts airflow by allowing the door to remain ajar about two inches while still maintaining the integrity of the existing locking mechanism. I made a beautiful wooden box, emblazoned with the laser-cut engraving "Strawberry Fields Forever" and provided proper drainage onto a tray inside the locker to avoid water damage to school property. The strawberry plants are now growing in my partially open locker providing a topic of conversation and much commentary from students walking by. What began as a seemingly improbable idea fed my passion for creative thinking and mechanical engineering. This project not only allowed me to practically apply isolated academic principles I had studied, but it also pushed me to traverse multiple disciplines to creatively solve problems. Furthermore, it's uniqueness beckoned for community input and collaboration, allowing me to access resources to achieve fiscally responsible solutions and ultimate success. For me, it was invigorating to propel a project that many deemed impossible into the realm of possible. I intend to continue to explore and invent because only then are new realities possible.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
SAT College Codes and School Codes for Score Reports
SAT College Codes and School Codes for Score Reports SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’ve taken the SAT or will be taking it, you may have heard of something called SAT college and school codes and wondered what they are. This guide will explain everything you need to know about SAT college and school codes: what they are, why they’re important, and when you’ll need to use them. What Are SAT College and School Codes? The SAT college and school codes are four-digit codes assigned to every college and university in the United States.They were created by the College Board as a way to reduce confusion and ensure that student SAT scores are sent to the correct schools. You may also see them referred to as CEEB codes. A school’s SAT code and its CEEB code are the same. What Are SAT College and School Codes Used For? SAT college and school codes are used by the College Board to make sending official SAT scores to universities more efficient and accurate.When you register for the SAT, you have the option to select up to four colleges and universities to send your official scores to for free. You are also able to change which schools you'd like to send your scores to from the time you register for the SAT until nine days after you take the test. Sending your official SAT score report to a college lets them know you are interested in their school, and those scores can be used as part of your application if you do decide to apply there.The SAT school codes make it simple for you to choose which schools you’d like your scores to be sent to and minimizes the possibility of confusion there might be if school names were written in. For example, if the College Board didn’t have school codes and you wrote â€Å"MSU†as one of the schools you’d like your scores to be sent to, the College Board wouldn’t know if you wanted your scores sent to Michigan State University, Missouri State University, or Montana State University.SAT college codes give each school its own unique four-digit number, so the College Board knows exactly where you want your scores sent. The SAT codes for colleges and schools can also be used to send your SAT scores to certain scholarship programs. On the College Board’s complete list of school codes, there is a special section that lists the codes for about 20 different scholarships, including the National Merit Scholarship Program, Air Force ROTC Scholarships, and William C Doherty Scholarships. If you are interested in applying to one of the scholarships listed, you can also choose to have your scores sent to them and used as part of your application. Below is a screenshot of the complete list of scholarship codes. Note that you cannot use these codes if you take the ACT. The ACT has its own completely different list of college codes. Where Can You Find SAT College and School Codes? When you register for the SAT online, there will be a section on your SAT registration form for you to enter up to four different school codes. You can fill schools in then, or you have the option to add or change schools up until nine days after you take the SAT. To see the schools you have chosen to send your scores to and make changes if needed, log in to College Board's website, click "My Tests", and at the bottom of the page you will see a link titled "Requested Recipients."This is where you can update the schools. Below is a screenshot of the bottom of that page. You can search for the names of the schools you’d like your scores to be sent to, and, when you select them, their school code will be automatically filled in. You do not need to have any codes memorized on the day of the SAT, but if you’d like to look at the school codes before registering for the SAT or send your scores to more schools after taking the test, you can search for an individual school’s code on the College Board’s website, as seen on the screenshot below. This page allows you to find the code of every school and scholarship the College Board sends scores to. Summary SAT college and school codes are used to make sending your score reports to colleges easier and more accurate. Each school has its own four-digit code to reduce confusion when sending score reports. You can choose which schools you'd like your scores to be sent to when you register for the SAT. You can also send additional score reports after you take the test. If you are looking to send ACT scores as well, you'll need to use different codes. What's Next? Wondering if you should take advantage of the SAT's four free score reports? Read our guide on sending free score reports, when you should send them, and which schools you should send them to. Want some do some SAT review? Taking practice tests is one of the best ways to see how well you're doing and make improvements. Check out these free and official SAT practice tests. Trying to get a high SAT score? Of course you are! We have a list of 15 SAT tricks to help you boost your score! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Museum paper- analyze ,compare duccio-Madonna and child ,Filippino Research Paper
Museum - analyze ,compare duccio-Madonna and child ,Filippino Lippi - Madonna and Child - Research Paper Example Also known as the Stoclet Madonna or Stroganoff Madonna, Duccio’s Madonna and Child is painted in tempera with decoration on wood panel and this work of art dates back to 1300. In this painting, similar to other Madonna paintings, Duccio portrays Mary, the mother of Jesus, holding the infant Jesus, and it covers a frame of 27.9 ? 21 centimeters. Filippino Lippi’s painting Madonna and Child, a.k.a. Tarquinia Madonna (ca. 1437) covers a frame of 32 x 23 1/2 in (81.3 x 59.7 cm) and is can be briefly described as tempera, oil, and gold on wood. Regarded as the earliest dated work by Lippi, Tarquinia Madonna reveals the enriched language of Lippi’s work as well as his influence of Flemish painting. â€Å"In the Tarquinia Madonna of 1437, the careful study of light and perspective, which confers movement on the Virgin’s drapery and illumines her marble throne, is evidence of a strong Flemish influence (motif of the windows putting the interior and exterior into communication, presence of the book and bed, phenomena of daily domestic life, typical of Flemish painting).†(Dobson, 814) This paper makes a profound analysis of Duccio’s Madonna and child and Filippino Lippi’s Madonna and Child in order to comprehend the similarity and difference between the themes, medium, composition, treatment of space, influence of the period in which they were created, etc. Duccio di Buoninsegna’s Madonna and Child (ca. 1300) is one of the greatest paintings belonging to the medieval Italian art history which is distinguished for its sublime beauty. Significantly, this painting is celebrated as the ground-breaking opening work of art in the most glorious career of Duccio’s art and the influence of the period is very much evident in this painting. At the time of its composition, Italy was divided into many city-states such as Florence, Siena, Milan, and Venice, and Duccio belonged to Siena. It is important to realize tha Duc cio is the founder of the Sienese style in painting which emphasized ornamental surfaces, winding lines, stretched-out figures and profound use of gold. The painting Madonna and Child is familiarly known as Ruccellai Madonna due to its subsequent placement in a chapel of Ruccellai family and it reveals Duccio’s style of composition. As Rachel Nicholls (2008) maintains, Duccio is generally recognized as the founder of the Sienese school of painting and â€Å"his work was so innovative and skillful that it now seen as a new departure rather than a continuation of tradition. His style did not appear in a vacuum and his approach to the painting of figures (particularly the Virgin) is a creative development of the techniques of Cimabue. His style also offers a backward look to Byzantine art with its highly stylized iconic figures against a glided background, and a forward look to a more naturalistic interpretation of human relationships.†(Nicholls, 157) Significantly, a pr ofound analysis of Madonna and Child is fundamental to an understanding of the development of Duccio’s style which is influenced by the period in which he composed his paintings. It is also important to maintain that this painting reveals a naturalistic impulse enriching the religious theme in Duccio’s art. In comparison, Filippino Lippi’s Madonna with Child (Tarquinia Madonna) is also a true representation of the period in which it was created, and it is regarded as one of the masterpieces of the Early Renaissance period. Significantly, Filippino Lippi
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Economics for Business and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Economics for Business and Management - Essay Example The demand curve may take an unique shape like that in figure 3.5 for two major reason, firstly if the product is of an inferior nature. Secondly if the customer believe that even though the price is high the quality is worth it, hence they demand buying more. With respect to figure 3.6 The demand curve will happen to shift incase at every and each price the customers are prepared to buy more or less than before (GILLESPIE, 2011) Similarly supply curve combines all the goods produced and offered for sale in the market against given price (THOMPSON, 2010). Goods are only sold when profit of the producers equates costs or is greater than that which means supply curve can be indicated as social cost. People have to pay a certain cost to attain some benefit. The intersection of demand and supply provides market equilibrium at which equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity is determined (AFRIAT, 2003). Now if the equilibrium conditions are dismantled; the economic efficiency will also b e lost in the process such in the case of benefits and costs, there may be welfare loss or even welfare gain too. Assuming a condition where minimum price is set above the equilibrium prices indicate setting a price floor for a certain commodity. Suppose government introduces price floor on cotton to protect the small producer, this will result in increasing prices where consumers will be required to pay higher prices that the good’s actual worth. In an open competition the prices might have shifted down to equilibrium but due to price floor that won’t be possible. In Fig. 1, Pf price is set to be fixed at $4 where quantity supplied is 2kg Cotton and demand is 1.5kg while at equilibrium consumers might have 1.8Kg cotton at less price of $3.2. So, with an increase in price over equilibrium has reduced the social welfare as the surplus cotton is not demanded yet the consumers are required to pay higher for limited quantity (WESTON & TOWNSEND, 2009). The social cost of co tton is more than the social benefits which sums up the negative net welfare at large. Question 2 (Why a profit maximizing firm produces the output that equates marginal revenues to marginal costs? (MR=MC)) In monopoly or even in perfect competition, a firm optimizes its profit and output where marginal cost and marginal revenue are equal (GRIFFITHS & WALL, 2011). All approaches to analyse maximized profits end up at MR and MC. If we examine total revenue and total cost; they are also summed up by the marginal. Secondly marginal curves provide the slope of change by which accuracy can easily be maintained. In perfect competition firm has MR=MC at two point. First at output level 1 and at output level 7. Firms always prefer the highest output to be produced while secondly at output level 1, though MR=MC but the total cost is below total revenue and the profit at this point is also negative (GILLESPIE, 2011). Finally the maximized profit require the biggest gap and difference between revenues and costs which can only be attained at point where MC=MR as in Fig. 2, at max. profit Average Cost is farthest away from Average Revenue. Mathematically, when MR=MC, after taking 1st derivative the gap between Total Revenue (TR) and Total Cost (TC) is the positive highest. Which after 2nd derivative becomes negative indicating the maximum profit while no other
Monday, January 27, 2020
Ocular Manifestations of Mucopolysacchridosis
Ocular Manifestations of Mucopolysacchridosis Ocular manifestations of mucopolysacchridosis Praddep Sagar Arsikere, Pradeep Venkatesh, Yog Raj Sharma Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of disorders caused by the inherited deficiency of lysosomal enzymes involved in the metabolism of glycosaminoglycan (GAG), resulting in the widespread intracellular and extracellular accumulation of GAG. > Type Gene Deficient enzyme GAG deposited IInheritance pattern Hurler syndrome (MPS I-H) IDUA (4p16.3) Alpha-L-iduronidase Dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate AR Hurler-Scheie syndrome (MPS I-H/S) IDUA (4p16.3) Alpha-L-iduronidase Dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate AR Scheie syndrome (MPS I-S) IDUA (4p16.3) Alpha-L-iduronidase Dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate AR Hunter syndrome, severe (MPS II-A) IDS (Xq28) Iduronate sulfatase Dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate XR Hunter syndrome, mild (MPS II-B) IDS (Xq28) Iduronate sulfatase Dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate XR Sanfilippo syndrome A (MPS III-A) SGSH (17q25.3) Heparan N-sulfatase Heparan sulfate AR Sanfilippo syndrome B (MPS III-B) NAGLU (17q21) Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase Heparan sulfate AR Sanfilippo syndrome C (MPS III-C) HGSNAT (8p11.1) Heparan-alpha-glucosaminide Nacetyltransferase Heparan sulfate AR Sanfilippo syndrome D (MPS III-D) GNS (12q14) N-acetyl alpha-glucosamine-6-sulfatase Heparan sulfate AR Morquio syndrome A (MPS IV-A) GALNS (16q24.3) N-acetylgalactosamine 6-sulfatase Keratan sulfate AR Morquio syndrome B (MPS IV-B) GLB1 (3p21.33) Beta-galactosidase Keratan sulfate AR Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI) ARSB (5q14.1) Arylsulfatase B Dermatan sulfate AR Sly syndrome (MPS VII) GUSB (7q21.11) Beta-glucuronidase Dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate, Chondroitin sulfate AR Natowicz syndrome (MPS IX) HYAL1 (3p21) Hyaluronidase AR Ocular manifestations 1. Ocular adnexa Eyelid thickening occurs due to the accumulation of GAG. Hypertelorism has been reported in MPS types III,  II and  VII. Pseudoproptosis due to shallow orbit has been reported in a patient with MPS VI and MPS II. 2. Cornea The extracellular matrix of corneal stroma contains dermatan sulfate and keratan sulfate in equal proportion. Both dermatan sulfate and keratan sulfate are synthesized by stromal keratocytes. Dermatan sulfate proteoglycans are involved in the control of interfibrillar spacing and in the lamellar adhesion of corneal collagens. Keratan sulfate proteoglycans are involved in the regulation of collagen fibril diameter. Mainly, epithelial cells synthesize heparan sulfate proteoglycans, and they are minor components of cornea. Since dermatan sulfate and keratan sulfate are the major GAGs in the corneal stroma, corneal involvement is mainly seen in MPS types I, IV, VI and VII. In corneas of patients with MPS, the excessive accumulation of dermatan sulfate or keratan sulfate in the form of vacuoles can be seen in epithelial cells, keratocytes, histiocytes and extracellular matrix. An increase in the mean fibril diameter of collagen and an increase in fibril spacing are noted in the corneal stroma of patients with MPS I. These structural alterations in collagen fibrils may contribute to light scattering. But the corneal clouding is mainly due to the accumulation of GAGs in all the layers of cornea with enlarged stromal keratocytes. Corneal involvement is typically not seen in type III, as the metabolism of heparan sulfate is impaired in type III and heparan sulfate is not synthesized by stromal keratocytes. Symptoms include gradually progressive painless diminution of visual acuity and light intolerance due to scattering of light. In early cases, fine grey punctuate opacities in anterior stroma are visible. In advanced cases, there is diffuse corneal clouding. Corneal thickness is variable, and it may be increased or normal. Corneal hysteresis is increased. Corneal oedema occurs in cases with increased intra-ocular pressure (IOP). 3. Optic nerve GAGs are the major components of the extracellular matrix of the optic nerve head. Proteoglycans containing chondritin sulfate and dermatan sulfate are located in lamina cribrosa, supporting tissues of the optic nerve head like septae, pia. Proteoglycans containing heparan sulfate are located in margins of laminar plates of lamina cribrosa. The optic nerve involvement can be due to accumulation of  GAG in the extracellular matrix of the optic nerve, narrowing of pores in lamina cribrosa, thickening of dura and narrowing of bony optic canal  that leads to disc oedema (pseudopapilloedema). It can also be due to raised intracranial pressure manifesting as true papilloedema. Long-standing axonal compression or papilloedema can lead to secondary optic atrophy. The accumulation of GAG in ganglion cells of retina can lead to axonal degeneration and optic atrophy. Optic nerve involvement is more commonly seen in types I, II, VI and VII, as the major  GAGs in optic nerve and lamina cribrosa are dermatan sulfate and chondritin sulfate. Optic nerve involvement is less with type III, as heparan sulfate is located in the margins of lamina cribrosa, and in type IV, as keratan sulfate is not present in the optic nerve head in human. 4. Glaucoma The human trabecular meshwork contains chondroitin sulfate, keratan sulfate, heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate. The accumulation of  GAG in the anterior segment structures can lead to the narrowing of angle resulting in acute angle closure and chronic angle closure glaucoma. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging in mucopolysacchridosis suggests crowded anterior segment and increased corneal thickness in type VI than in type I. The accumulation of GAG in trabecular cells can lead to features similar to open-angle glaucoma. The measurement of IOP by Goldmann applanation tonometer may be falsely high due to increased corneal thickness and corneal hysteresis. The visualization of angle by gonioscopy may be compromised due to corneal clouding, thus posing difficulty in differentiating open angle from closed angle. The monitoring of progression and severity of glaucomatous optic neuropathy may be compromised by corneal clouding and disc oedema. Anterior segment OCT is a valuable tool in the assessment of angle, particularly in patients with corneal clouding. Ocular response  analyser can be used for the accurate measurement of IOP in these cases. 5. Retina Heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronan are present throughout the retina and choroid. Heparan sulfate is particularly located in the basement membrane containing structures, the RNFL and RPE. Keratan sulfate is absent in the retina and choroid.  GAGs are integral components of the basement membrane of retinal microvasculature, and heparan sulfate is the predominant variety. Tapetoretinal degeneration has been reported in MPS types I,  II,  III and  IV. 6. Sclera Scleral thickening may lead to the uveal effusion syndrome. Suggested Reading 1. Villas-Boas FS, Fernandes Filho DJ, Acosta AX. Ocular findings in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2011;74(6):430–434. 2. Viestenz A, Shin YS, Viestenz A, Naumann GO. Ocular manifestation of mucopolysaccharidosis I-S (Scheies syndrome). Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2002;219(10):745–748.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Indian Morphological Differences And Similarities Health And Social Care Essay
Background & A ; nonsubjective: Worldwide fluctuation in human growing and its familial and environmental factors have been described by many writers before. In this survey, an effort has been made to measure the morphological differences and similarities among 1-5 twelvemonth kids of rural countries of Uttar Pradesh State in India. The purpose of this survey was to find whether kids populating in diverse countries show their differences or similarities of organic structure size. Methods: For this intent, a transverse sectional territory nutrition profile survey conducted during 2002-03 was used. The information on 10,096 kids drawn from 1080 small towns in 54 territories is a portion of the territory degree Diet and Nutrition Assessment study, was considered. The average values for tallness and weight for 54 territories is taken as the input informations for subsequent analysis. The information was first normalized by agencies of Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) and so K-means bunch was performed. Consequences: The PCA and bunch analysis yielded four distinguishable bunchs or forms in the kids anthropometric informations. These bunchs were ordered harmonizing to the mean organic structure size ( weight and tallness ) of kids. The average stature and organic structure weight of these kids in bunch I was 3.2 centimeter and 1.4 kilogram higher than those of bunch IV bespeaking clear difference between bunchs. Besides, the fluctuations between bunchs in their societal, demographic, wellness and nutrition parametric quantities were compared. Interpretation & A ; decision: The practical usage of PCA and bunch analysis and its virtues in analyzing the Uttar Pradesh pre-school kids growing fluctuations are discussed. These consequences will ease the decision maker to gestate and implement part specific action programmes for betterment in the nutritionary position of the community in general and pre-school kids, in peculiar. Cardinal words: anthropometric measurings, K-means Cluster Analysis, PCA, Nutrition, Socio-economic.IntroductionWorldwide fluctuations in human growing forms were described in the past by Tanner and Eveleth1,2. Growth and development of kids in a community are mostly influenced by the environment they live in, which include a host of factors related to socioeconomic, socio-cultural and agro climatic conditions. In this present paper, we tried to pull out the nutritionary forms of under five twelvemonth kids anthropometric informations collected at territory degree in the province of Uttar Pradesh in India. This survey was undertaken peculiarly in Uttar Pradesh because it is themost thickly settled province in India, holding about 170 million population3. Therefore, â€Å" geographic †clusterization of territories in big countries such as a State or part of a state based on nutritionary position of the kids may assist in placing assorted factors that have important influence o n the growing and development of the communities and to plan and implement appropriate region/state specific schemes for forestalling and control of undernutrition in the communities. The bunch analysis technique involves segregating a information set into different homogeneous groups based either on similarities or unsimilarities in the information. This technique is an easy replicable manner of building categorizations, which has attracted widespread popularity across diverse scientific disciplines4. Mahalanobis, Majumdar and Rao5 employed this method to do an anthropometric study of the united state manner back in 1949. Vasulu and Pal6 studied the relationship between anthropometric distinction and cultural diverseness in the Yanadi folk in different parts of India. This method has been successfully used on anthropometric measurings in China to sort growing profiles of children7 and in India to transport out societal selling schemes for control of Vitamin A deficiency8,9 every bit good as to place the forms in nutritionary informations of kids.Keri L. Monda and Barry M. Popkin10 used bunch analysis to make forms of overall activity and inaction in a diverse sam ple of Chinese young person and to measure their usage in foretelling fleshy position. Tucker KL11 demonstrated dietetic forms of different populations in US utilizing PCA-Cluster Analysis technique. For the intent of this survey, the informations collected during the District nutrition profile ( DNF ) study carried out in the State of Uttar Pradesh during the twelvemonth 2002-03 and reported during 2003-04 was utilised. The study included aggregation of informations on family socio economic, socio cultural and demographic specifics, nutritionary position of persons in footings of anthropometry and clinical scrutiny, mean nutrient and alimentary consumptions at the family degree and chest eating and kid raising patterns prevalent in the community. Following are the specific aims of the current survey: To organize geographical bunchs in the State of Uttar Pradesh, based on the anthropometric information of weight and tallness of preschool kids 2 ) To i Iiiiide dentify differences or similarities in the nutritionary position of kids populating in different bunchs. To analyze the family demographic, socioeconomic derived functions of the kids between the bunchs, in relation to the nutritionary position.Materials and MethodsSample DesignA cross sectional design was used for transporting out DNF study. In each territory, small town formed the Primary Sampling Unit ( PSU ) and the Household, the Secondary Sampling Unit ( SSU ) . Therefore, a sum of 400 HHs were covered from 20 small towns by covering 20 indiscriminately selected families from each small town. Sing the big fluctuation in the territory, due representation was given to all the blocks in the territory while choosing the small towns, by following graded random trying process coupled with chance proportion to size ( PPS ) .SubjectsThe anthropometric informations, viz. highs and weights available on 10,096 preschool kids ( 1 to 5 old ages of age ) from a sum of 87,491 persons of different ages of both the sexes from 54 territories of Uttar Pradesh was considered for analysis. The geograp hic distribution of the territories is shown in Fig. 1. The average values for tallness and weight for 54 territories is taken as the input informations for subsequent analysis.VariablesTwo anthropometric measurings viz. highs and weights were collected by research workers by utilizing standard equipment and processs. The research workers were trained and standardized in the study methodological analysiss by the Scientists of National Institute of Nutrition ( NIN ) , before originating existent informations aggregation in the field.Statistical methodThe information was first normalized by agencies of Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) and so bunch was performed utilizing SPSS 15.0 statistical software12, utilizing the undermentioned process: The agencies of each variable for 54 territories were computed. An inter-variable correlativity coefficient matrix was derived. The PCA was extracted by following the undermentioned standards. The standard for truth of choosing principle constituent was 0.005. The minimal discrepancy for pull outing each constituent was 0.5. The value of all steps was transformed into principle-component tonss. The instances were clustered by k-means bunch method utilizing Euclidian distance which was calculated by the expression given below. Wherein dij is the distance between any two instances ( I and J ) in a group, Xik and Xjk are the chief constituent tonss of the kth chief constituent ( k=1,2,3aˆÂ ¦m ; here m=1 ) . The process for bunch was done by MacQueen method13 as follows: Step1: Partition the points into thousand initial bunchs Steo2: Proceed through the list of points, delegating point to the bunch whose centroid ( average ) is close. Recalculate the centroid for the bunch having the new point and the one which the point is removed Step3: Repeat the Step 2 until no reassignments take topographic point.ConsequencesThe average highs and weights by territory are listed in Table I. The Principle constituents extracted from the correlativity matrices are listed in Table II. Merely one rule constituent could be extracted from the information. The ‘EIGEN ‘ value ensuing from this constituent was 1.4 and could explicate 70 % of the fluctuation. The information was foremost transformed into Personal computer mark for the 54 territories which formed the input for executing bunch analysis utilizing K-means bunch analysis method. Four different bunchs or forms were observed in the information. A ocular representation bunch analysis represented as dendogram ( Fig.2 ) shows the bunchs being combined and the values of the distance coefficients at each measure. Looking at the dendogram, it appears that the four bunch method described may be appropriate, since the bunchs are easy explainable and occurs before the distance at which bunch go excessively big. The dendrogram rescales the existent distances to Numberss between 0 and 25, continuing the ratio of the distances between stairss. These bunchs were ordered harmonizing to the mean organic structure size ( weight and tallness ) of kids. The organic structure sizes which formed into different little bunchs are listed in table III. The average stature and organic structure weight of these kids in bunch I was 3.2 centimeter and 1.4 kilogram higher than those of bunch IV bespeaking clear difference between bunchs.Geographic factors:The bunch analysis which resulted in the formation of four distinguishable bunchs is presented in the map ( Fig. 3 ) . The map clearly showed the geographic unsimilarities in the organic structure size of kids. Many of the territories for whom the information was clustered were geographically next. It was observed that in most of the territories from Cluster I came from the western portion of the province, such as Ghaziabad, Farrukhabad, Etawah, which is comparatively comfortable part of the State. The bulk territories viz. Bijnor, Saharanpur, Meerut, Aligarh, Mathura, Maharajgunj etc. wh ich are grouped into Cluster II ranked as 2nd best segregation, are from Western and Eastern parts of the State considered to be developed parts. In contrast, in the Cluster IV which is considered to be holding lowest organic structure size of kids, most of the territories viz. Sitapur, Rae bareli, Jalaun, Lalitpur, Hamirpur belonged to Central and Budelkhand parts which are considered to be under-developed part. The above segregation of territories are in conformance with the informations of NFHS-II survey14,15 wherein the territories in the State were categorized into backward and non-backward territories.Socio-Economic Factors:The bunchs so formed were compared in relation to their socio-economic parametric quantities such as extent of land retentions, type of house, community, per-capita monthly income, denseness of population to see whether it was an artefact or if any relationships could be established. It was found that the territories in bunch I were comparatively more devel oped than in the other bunchs ( table IV ) . The differences observed between bunchs were both in footings of ‘population denseness ‘ and per capita income. It was besides observed that the proportion of under-privileged communities such as Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe population was much lower in the I & A ; II bunchs, compared to bunchs III and IV.Demographic factors:Demographic factors like sex ratio of population, birth order, kids covered for nutrition appraisal, literacy position, per centum married below 18 old ages of age were compared among the bunchs. It was observed that the territories in bunch I were better off when compared to constellate II, III and IV, with regard to all the above variables ( Table V ) . The sex ratio ( females for 1000 males ) , a good index of demographic alteration was 921 in bunch I, as against 882 in bunch IV. Similarly, the literacy position was 64 % in bunch I, compared to 52 % in bunch IV.Nutrition and Health factors:The exte nt of undernutrition among pre-school kids was assessed by Standard Deviation ( SD ) categorization by utilizing World Health Organisation ( WHO ) growing standards16, in footings of acrobatics ( tallness for age, & lt ; Median – 2SD ) reflecting long continuance undernutrition, blowing ( weight for tallness, & lt ; Median -2SD ) bespeaking current undernutrition and scraggy ( weight for age & lt ; Median -2SD ) bespeaking overall undernutrition. The proportion of kids with scraggy, stunting and blowing utilizing the above three standards were least in the territories of bunch I, as compared to constellate IV. The extent of underweight was 33 % incluster I, 45 % in bunch II, 52 % in bunch III and 58 % in bunch IV, bespeaking the extent of under nutrition is higher in bunchs II, III and IV when compared with Cluster I, though the differences were besides higher between bunch II and Cluster IV. Similar form was observed for stunting and blowing ( Table VI ) . The wellness parametric quantities like per centum adult females undergoing prenatal medical examinations in different clustered territories ranged from a high ( 50 % ) in bunch I to 47 % in Cluster IV. The institutional bringings were comparatively more in bunch I ( 20 % ) , compared to constellate IV ( 14 % ) , bespeaking better wellness attention use in bunch I territories ( Table VI ) .DiscussionThere are figure of methods available for clustering13, but the methods of PCA and bunch analysis was selected for this survey for the undermentioned grounds, viz. , ( I ) By utilizing the Principal Component Analysis method, the values of a nthropometric variables in each instance is transformed into chief constituent tonss, which reflects kids ‘s organic structure size more comprehensively than any individual variable, and ( two ) the bunch analysis was performed in this method, by ciphering the distances every bit good as sing the magnitude of difference between variables, therefore avoiding the drawbacks of other methods which use correlativity coefficients as the similarity step and be given to be sensitive to determine at the disbursal of magnitude6. The topics included in the present analysis were preschool kids, whose well being is considered as a placeholder to nutritionary position for the full community. The consequences of the present survey show that the difference in kids ‘s organic structure size are really different between different bunchs, i.e. between developed and under developed countries. All these factors exert the fact that there are important differences in organic structure size of kids in different bunchs ( countries ) . For illustration, most of the territories in Cluster I and Cluster II, which are considered as good bunchs in footings of their better nutritionary, wellness, societal and demographic indexs, are located in the western and eastern portion of the Uttar Pradesh State, which are considered to be comfortable parts. Restriction in this survey is that, other factors, such as the ecological conditions, life manner, which might act upon the nutritionary position of the preschool kids, are non considered. However, the present survey has identified possible countries of intercession for betterment in the nutritionary position of kids. The consequences of bunch analysis, are non merely of involvement, in footings of geographical, biological, ecological and anthropometric similarities but besides facilitate the decision maker to gestate and implement appropriate action programmes for betterment in the nutritionary position of the community in general and pre school kids, in peculiar.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Mukherjee vs Rodriguez
Mukherjee vs. Rodriguez As of today, The United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than any other country in the world. The number of immigrants totaled 37. 5 million as of 2006. All of this has to do with Richard Rodriguez and Bharati Mukherjee’s stories based on immigration in the United States. Entitled â€Å"Los Otros, Mis Hermanos†and †Two Ways to Belong in America†. Where as Rodriguez’s story is about a young Mexican immigrant finding it hard to live in a society where he struggles to understand it’s main language. He believes as a child that he doesn’t belong in a country where it’s main language is not of his. He only feels at peace when he is with his family speaking his own language. As well as where Mukherjee’s story is of two sisters named Mira and Bharati, both immigrants and very successful in their careers. Explaining how Mira all of a sudden has rage towards the country she has lived in for thirty years, due to the lack of effort shown by the U. S. Congress to enact a legislation that would not allow any government benefits towards resident aliens. As for Bharati, she has mixed feelings on the subject at hand. Rodriguez and Mukherjee’s stories share a common theme and purpose, but are diverse in their conflict and focus. Los Otros, Mis Hermanos†and â€Å"Two Ways to Belong in America†share a common theme in where they both are legal immigrants living in America. Rodriguez’s story is based on his childhood where he is living as a Mexican immigrant. Since Spanish is the only language he is able to interpret, he reference â€Å"The language of thei r Mexican past sounded in counterpoint to the English of public society†(Rodriguez pg. 309). For â€Å"Two Ways to Belong in America†the two sisters are living in the United States while Bharati is an American citizen, Mira is not. However both have Indian roots within them. For both of them their cultural backgrounds are very strong within them. As of course, them being an immigrant in a new country that they are not familiar with, they both have very strong bounds with their cultural heritage. Where as for example in Mukherjee’s story she shows how traditional her family is with their Indian marriages by saying how they are properly done in her home country. Mukherjee states †We would endure out two years in America, secure our degrees, then return to India to marry the grooms of our father’s choosing†(Mukherjee pg. 316). However, they both did not follow those guidelines by marrying grooms of their own choosing. In Rodriguez’s story he shows how speaking Spanish made him feel at home, by whenever he spoke to his family members or friends in Spanish he felt as if he was recognized as someone special. While there are similar qualities between the two stories there are contrarieties too. One being their formalities of education, reading where Mukherjee’s story was coming, from the sisters were well educated and successful in their careers. They both received degrees in their prestige subjects. As for Rodriguez’s story when he was younger it seemed as if it was very difficult for his upbringing into education. For example, his parents learning of the English language, as he states â€Å"In public, my father and mother spoke a hesitant, accented, not always grammatical English†(Rodriguez pg. 309). It seemed as if the schooling where he was coming from was not as much of a impact as compared to mukherjee’s learning’s. In â€Å"Los Otros, Mis Hermanos†as a young boy Rodriguez was very secluded from the rest of civilization by reason of his inability of learning the English language. In â€Å"Two Ways to Belong in America†the sisters were very much in content with the rest of the world. They would travel all throughout the world willing to try anything new. Where as Rodriguez, he was concealed from his very own neighborhood, he didn’t know the names of his neighbors, as he states, â€Å"But no one in the family knew the names of the old couple who lived next door; until I was seven years old, I did not know the names of the kids who lived across the street†(Rodriguez pg. 309). The stories by Rodriguez and Mukherjee’s stories had a similar case and dedication, however were disparate in their upbringings and socialization. Being in a country where your not accustomed to is difficult enough, living their must be an even bigger challenge. In Rodriguez’s case he couldn’t speak Spanish outside of his home so he felt at lost. In Mukherjee’s situation even after living for 30 years in this country they were still at subject to be dismissed from it. This shows you being the outsider in a world isn’t as easy to sustain, even when they had thought they had finally made it.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder Among Adults With...
The journal article â€Å"Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder in Patients With Adult Anxiety Disorders†focuses on the prevalence of childhood separation anxiety disorder (CSA) in adults with one or more anxiety disorder, and whether or not there is a correlation between them. The authors clearly included their hypothesis, which states they presume there to be higher rates of childhood separation anxiety disorder among patients with various adult anxiety disorders than in adults with only one adult anxiety disorder. In addition, the authors included the operational definitions of comorbid anxiety disorders and childhood separation anxiety disorder. They defined comorbid anxiety disorders as having more than two lifetime adult anxiety disorders. The authors were more specific when clarifying CSA, which they defined as being diagnosed with excessive anxiety regarding the separation of those whom the child is emotionally attached to, as well as experiencing three of the nine sy mptoms listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for at least two weeks. The purpose of the study, according to the authors, is to further specify research already done on the correlation between childhood separation anxiety disorder and adult anxiety disorders, and to explore the possible relationship between other adult anxiety disorders and childhood separation anxiety. This research is practically important because parents’ whose children are diagnosed with childhood separationShow MoreRelatedSeparation Anxiety : A Type Of An Attachment Disorder1232 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom some type of disorders. Separation anxiety is one of them. 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